
Well Known Member
Looks Interesting




I've seen this advertised and went to the website. The product looks good and seems to be comparably priced to similar units. BONUS: it looks good and fits in existing holes. I'm considering it. If anyone has flown with one, I'd appreciate a report. :D

(BTW, Milt, you a former Teufel Hunden? I retired in 2005. Ooh-Rah!)
looks good to me too

I've had my eye on this product also. I read a preliminary review of the Evolution Flight Display in the American Bonanza Society October issue. Looks impressive. My understanding is that this product is being FAA certified for the retrofit certified market at the moment.

The Aspen Avionics web site states that availability will be Fall 2007. However, I just called one of their dealers and asked when the product will be available and if it will be available for the expreimental market. I was told availablity is now Spring 2008 and it will be available to the experimental market. Please consider this information was through a dealer so take it as such.

This will be a wonderful system for retrofitting panels in certified airplanes. It replaces the AH and DG gyros with the PFD and HSI, adds battery backup, and retains the old instruments for backup. If you have an electric AH, use that to replace the TC and you have an excellent panel. We are currently considering this for an older DA40.

This will be a wonderful system for retrofitting panels in certified airplanes. It replaces the AH and DG gyros with the PFD and HSI, adds battery backup, and retains the old instruments for backup. If you have an electric AH, use that to replace the TC and you have an excellent panel. We are currently considering this for an older DA40.


And the prices are quite close to non certified equipment.

Manufactured by a company with an excellent history.