
I'm New Here
I wanted to ask if anyone has tried or knows someone who has attaching a ski rack to the belly of their RV (8)?
Hey! Check this out from the archives...

Hey check this out. This is exactly the question that I wanted to post. Carrying skis is a definite goal for my -7 and something that I've been kicking around. I've even gone as far as contacting a company that makes cargo pods for other aircraft, and they say they'd be interested in designing and building a cargo pod (or maybe even pod kit) for the -7 if I could demonstrate some interest (anyone? I may post about this sometime in the future if/when I have more info).

Anyway, I digress. There are two ways I figure to get skis in/on a -7. 1. do the modified bulkhead. Pros: inside the plane, Cons: W&B, major structural modification. 2. cargo pod. Pros: W&B issue solved. Cons: Attachment points, drag, where do you get the pod?

There's a third option that's been bugging me: simply put a ski rack like on your car, upside down on the belly. strap on the skis and go. What if you put a little nose cone for the ski tips to fit into to minimize drag and the shearing force of the wind? I know these RVs aint no slow-pokes, but I also know that it's SOP to strap a frigging canoe to some bush planes, too.

Anyone have any experience along these line, be it cargo pod, interest in a cargo pod, bulkhead modifications, or the proverbial upside-down ski rack?

You ought to see....

....what hangs underneath my Air Tractor's belly!! A chemical pump with a 15 inch propeller perpendicular to the airstream with a 2 1/2 pipe coming out, also perpendicular to the airstream, a dump door at a 45 degree angle to the airstream, and 40 foot long spray booms below the wing with 60 nozzles more or less perpendicular to the airflow. All this stuff removed results in a gain of 15-20 MPH but it's all needed to spray crops.

I'd say that an upside down ski rack under the belly would be quite feasible,...much more so than anything on top. The higher pressure air under the airplane isn't nearly as sensitive to protrusions as the air going over the top is. Why don't you try just one rack first and go fly the airplane around the pattern kinda slow....around 120-140 MPH and work up from there.

I don't know where it'd attach but you'd need reinforcing to hold the rack and skis though.

Huh. Thanks for the thoughts, Pierre. I really didn't expect to get any encouraging words, so I'm kind of intrigued by the idea now!

My fuse kit isn't even on order yet, so plenty of time to plan ahead. Do you think this a better solution for skis than modifying the rear bulkhead as has been done?

I figured there would be more interest in carrying large items. Does anyone else have any thoughts, ideas, interest in a cargo pod, or experience hanging things off airplanes (!) etc?
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view from another perspective.

I also had thoughts of carrying skis in my RV9A. There is a post here detailing an interesting mod for carrying skis in the baggage area that I seriously considered. I like the design but eventually decided the CG would be affected more than I liked.

That was not my only reason for changing my mind about this type of mod though. I actually started rethinking the idea of traveling with my own skis whenever I wanted to go skiing. As it turns out I have discovered that I much more prefer to rent skis at the resort rather than mess with the hassle of bringing my own. I have owned my own skis for 30+ years and have taken many many a ski trip toting them along. Owning your own skis may seem cool but it is expensive. The only time it made economic sense for me to own and use my own skis was when I lived at a resort and skied every day of the season on them. That was a long time ago in another life. Now I ski 3-7 days per year if I am lucky and have had several years when I never go at all. Several years ago I realized that it was just not worth the hassle anymore to take my own skis for such a short amount of time skiing.

I do still ski with my own boots but now I pick a quality rental shop at whatever resort I am skiing and rent the high end demo skis they have available. The cost is really reasonable compared to other rentals and I get the newest top of the line skis from which to choose. I can change at any time if I don't like the pair I pick or I can try a different pair each day. There are no maintenance issues as the skis will be freshly tuned and if there is a problem with them I just take them back for repair or exchange. Believe me, it is much cheaper to ski on someone else's skis than to buy your own.

All of this is to say, perhaps if you think about carrying your own skis in the RV you might realize that you may save headaches and hassles if you just fly to your destination and rent skis there. I might even say you can save money in doing so.

My $.02
Live Long and Prosper!
My old friend "Dr. John" (RIP) made a pod for his Glasair 3 several years ago that looked like a drop tank. It consisted of an ~8" diameter tube closed out on each end with a prop spinner. He made an integral pylon using aluminum I-beam to attach to the fuselage. He made hard points in the fuselage and installed those O-ring sealed nutplates for attachment. I forgot how much he claimed the pod slowed him down, but it wasn't much. One of these days, I'm going to make one like that for my -6, since Mammoth is only 1 hour 20 min by RV.

Heinrich Gerhardt
RV-6, flying
Yeah, I live in LA but still ski about 40 days per year, so it typically entails a lot of traveling. Renting's not for me. Plus, I'm a self-admitted uber-ski snob, I don't think I could live on rentals.

Here's one from last year that you might appreciate:


Okay, okay. Just one more:


Sorry, I'm waaay off topic now, but I can't help it. I might love skiing more than I love flying (sacrilege!!).

If anyone has any other thoughts about the skis and the cargo, etc, I'd love to hear 'em!!

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AACK!! Another item on my wishlist for my -7!

Here, I've got a couple for you, too!



I think the ideal solution to this problem is to buy a 182, 206, or cherokee 6. I don't know if there's a way to solve this problem in a RV, even if it's a -10. That'll have to wait... but flying into baja is soooo appealing. I've done it before and it's just the best.
I think the ideal solution to this problem is to buy a 182, 206, or cherokee 6. I don't know if there's a way to solve this problem in a RV, even if it's a -10. That'll have to wait... but flying into baja is soooo appealing. I've done it before and it's just the best.
OK, since we have already broached the topic of non-RV airplanes I will add my opinion here. Yes the 182, 206 or Cherokee 6 are great GA airplanes they are still not going to give you the performance the experimental world can offer. Plus there is all of that FAA **** to deal with when flying certificated GA aircraft.

My suggestion is this plane. It is not an RV but I came very close to building this one instead of the RV. The RV community and the slight difference in speed won out but this plane will definitely haul much more than an RV and get you in and out of anyplace you can think of going.

I also think this plane will haul everything including the kitchen sink anywhere you want to go.

If I build another plane (assuming I ever finish this one), one of these will be high on the list.
steelmike, when i get done with this deployment i have plans on beginning the long road that is building a -7!!!

and i have every intention of constructing a "multipurpose" pod... (surfboard/snowboard)

haven't hammered out any drawings or plans.. or calculated any thing yet... but it's all coming down the pipeline in the next 10-15 years.. :D

(got 14 months left in the navy...) then the ball starts rolling
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Yeah, the sportsman and the bearhawk were definitely in the running when I decided to build, but in the end, the glastar is so dang expensive, and the bearhawk's got the 540 (expense and gph issues) and slow. I know I can solve the skis+rv problem, but pretty much gave up on the surfboard + RV issue when I decided to build the RV.

Now, regarding the cargo pod, Ian, let's talk. If we could get a cargo pod that would fit, ideally, two 9'6" longboards, we'd really be in business. That's the biggest thing I can think of that I'd need to stick in there, and that would be totally awesome. Hmm... would you need an a-model for a cargo pod?

See, the thing about the 206 and the cherokee 6, in particular, is not that they can pick up so much weight, (although even that is pretty impressive) but that they have so much interior room. I've flown in a cherokee six packed with 5 longboards, food and camping gear for four days, five people and full fuel. Pretty impressive, if you ignore the fact that the plane was 40 years old and cruised at 115 kts.
Actually, the PVC tube idea did occur to me once. How did the attachments to the fuselage work? Did you have to install hard points for attachment?
Pod System

Did you guys see the -10 with a baggage pod at OSH? The pod was big enough to carry a dirt bike with folding handle bars. The pod only cost them a few mph.

Seems like the idea could be slimmed down for a -7.
Yeah, I saw it. That's actually what sparked my interest in the pod for the -7.

Here's the website for that pod: and a thread about it here on VAF:

If it works on the 10 I don't see anyreason why you couldn't make something smaller for the 7 that would hold skis and/or a surfboard. All it would take would be some simple engineering, figuring out where to put the hardpoints and adding any extra structure to the fuse.

You would have to figure out what kind of effects the shape of the pod has on the airflow with some flight testing. Also it might have an effect on the engine exhaust? It would be a fun project.

You could start with some foam mockups under a 7 and do tuft testing to get the optimum shape down before you move into the real thing. I so wish I had an airplane and time right now! :mad:
Another location idea

Why not make a small door in the wing tip and store a ski in the wing. Just aft of the spar if they won't fit forward of it in the rib lightening holes. One on each side. Won't bother the CofG or add enough weight to bother the loads on the wing.
Hmm... now there's a new idea - I'll have to study the wing plans a little closer. I like the way you're thinking.
The only problem....

....with using that hole is that the ski would more than likely interfere with the aileron bellcrank. I just went and measured a new -7 wing in my hangar. The hole diameter is 4 3/4". Is a ski narrower than that? Using the space in the wingtip and what's available before you touch the bellcrank is at max, 5 feet. How long are your skis?

Now, regarding the cargo pod, Ian, let's talk. If we could get a cargo pod that would fit, ideally, two 9'6" longboards, we'd really be in business. That's the biggest thing I can think of that I'd need to stick in there, and that would be totally awesome. Hmm... would you need an a-model for a cargo pod?

ideally, no (the beauty of Experimental aviation)... but i just woke up, when i get to work i'll see if got time to put my thoughts on paper

although i wasn't thinking 9'6" longboard... i got a 6'3".... which would be easier to find a place to fit... and i had this idea when i was leaning towards an -8......

but no problem, experimental aviation means i can dream up what ever i want as long as it is safe and it fits!!
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My old friend "Dr. John" (RIP) made a pod for his Glasair 3 several years ago that looked like a drop tank. It consisted of an ~8" diameter tube closed out on each end with a prop spinner. He made an integral pylon using aluminum I-beam to attach to the fuselage. He made hard points in the fuselage and installed those O-ring sealed nutplates for attachment. I forgot how much he claimed the pod slowed him down, but it wasn't much. One of these days, I'm going to make one like that for my -6, since Mammoth is only 1 hour 20 min by RV.

Heinrich Gerhardt
RV-6, flying

Hmmm - completely different application - that gives me an idea for an external ferry tank for the round-the-world guys....
Hey Ian, was thinking about this again today, and was curious if you've ever seen or had a chance to ride one of those collapsible travel boards? I've heard that they're definitely second-best, but that might solve the problem if no cargo pod is ever developed.

That said, I have reason to believe that there may be a pod coming soon enough for the 6/7!!
Hey Ian, was thinking about this again today, and was curious if you've ever seen or had a chance to ride one of those collapsible travel boards? I've heard that they're definitely second-best, but that might solve the problem if no cargo pod is ever developed.

That said, I have reason to believe that there may be a pod coming soon enough for the 6/7!!

nope. never had that chance.... and maybe i'm being a little skeptical.. but it just doesn't sound..........right.

i'm out on deployment right now, so i don't have access to a -7 (or any GA planes) to look at or measure, but the thought that i had went something like this..

re route exhaust to the sides of the belly, and where the lower cowl attaches to the firewall add a reinforced "sheild" that covers the front of the pod (and is still aerodynamic).. and you would have to move any antennae that you have on the belly.

remove fins (obviously), boards would fit in backwards.. (like when you put them on top of a car)..

i need to pull out my preview plans, and look for appropriate mounting areas, and also check for clearances..

i think if we're careful there's no reason we shouldn't be able to fit 2 9'6" longboards :cool:
Yeah, I know what you mean, but if it's the only - and I mean only - way I'm going to get to RV-surf in Baja, then that's just the way it'll have to be!
that website is forbidden on the military network... lol

the idea i just threw out was just that, an idea, with no research or measurement... but i am starting EMP when i get home from deployment, so hopefully i'll have some more solid ideas over the next few years....

my buddy russell just took a surf trip down south to mainland mexico.. that's the only details i have so far.. he should email me some pics soon:cool:
Get the pics - there's a good SSW running right now, and hurricane Marie is going to get things pumpin for him. He's a smart man, wish I were there...