
Well Known Member
I'm about 1 shop-session away from the step where I will begin riveting the bottom skins onto both wings. I've spent months ensuring I had the pitot system designed and built such that I could install it and connect the wiring harness and plumbing by feel, installed conduit and extra pull-strings to future-proof both wings and be able to add new wiring without much trouble in the future, shielded the wiring harnesses in the left wing to protect the magnetometer from EMF, installed the RG-400 cable in the right wing for the VOR/ILS antenna in the right wingtip, and installed the Van's supplied wiring harnesses for nav lights, landing lights, stall warning switch, aileron servo, roll servo, magnetometer and ADAHRS. I think I have everything covered but I thought I'd do a shout out and see if there is something any of you guys might have included in your wings that would be a good idea and should be installed now before it is too late after the bottom skins are already on. Thoughts?
Wing tip light ground

Be sure the ground for your left strobe light is at the fuselage, not the wing rib where my stock harness had it.
Likely a good stage to have a tech counselor or similarly experienced builder drop by and take a good look at it with you, if you haven't already. If there's anything that's easy to "forget," that's probably somewhere on the list. :)
SB 16-03-28

My RV14 kit is #140195. I did the upgrade install of the aileron inboard hinge bracket on the rear spar before I installed the bottom skins. SB 16-03-28 came out just before I got to that point.

I don't know if your wing kit already had that SB done, if not you should do it before the wings get sealed up with the bottom skins. I can imagine how difficult it would be afterwards > lots harder than now.
I'm at the point I can rivet on my bottom skins whenever I want to... they're deburred, drilled, dimpled, primed, blah blah etc etc... but I'm not (yet).

Why do it now? Sure I have everything prepped like you to do pitot, extra wires, AP servo, magnetometer, etc... but why do that to myself when I can just hold off on putting them on? It isn't going to hurt anyone.

20 clecos per wing and they sit there awaiting the rest of the prep work.

my $0.02

- Kilroy
The bottom wing is a preferred place for an outside temperature probe, if it is intended to have one.