Will you be there so we can thank you for engaging our little community of just under 10K airplanes?
Will you be there so we can thank you for engaging our little community of just under 10K airplanes?

Scott, Unfortunately I have vacation plans that week and won't be able to make it. Be sure to stop by and drop my name at the booth (My boss is filling in). :)
You betcha'! You'll be a rock star by the time the week is done. We have the power :).
That is true. I did forget about that. However, radar does not need xpndr. Tis-b should show up. Also, the ADS-B directive specifically states the ability to turn off outbound ADS-B is not required. Cant see notams overiding that.
That is true. I did forget about that. However, radar does not need xpndr. Tis-b should show up. Also, the ADS-B directive specifically states the ability to turn off outbound ADS-B is not required. Cant see notams overiding that.

As far as I can tell, primary targets (no xponder or xponder off/stby) do not show up on TIS-B. In the case of those of us with 1090ES as our "OUT", when we comply with the NOTAM, we are just a primary target at that point.

Last year there were enough airplanes not complying with the NOTAM to keep the ground stations active but the TIS-B service kept coming and going and was not reliable.

To be honest, seeing the huge river of airplanes funneling into RIPON was not really an enjoyable experience. We arrived shorty after the field went VFR on Sunday and it seemed so did everybody else.

That day there were many people trapped on top and as we that were underneath flew our route, we had to watch the sucker holes for airplanes that kept shooting out of them totally oblivious to the river of airplanes that were flying along under the cloud deck.

I love technology but approaching RIPON and on into FISK, my primary attention is eyes outside with the occasional glance at my ASI and ALT. The nature of the event, types of planes and the NOTAM almost guarantees poor traffic system performance.
As far as I can tell, primary targets (no xponder or xponder off/stby) do not show up on TIS-B. In the case of those of us with 1090ES as our "OUT", when we comply with the NOTAM, we are just a primary target at that point.

As defined by the FAA, primary surveilance radar does not require a response from the aircraft (meaning no xpndr required to be targeted). Secondary does need it. Both are supposed to feed the ground transmitters. To your point, whether it acually works is a different story.
"Primary" and "Secondary" targets.....

Both are supposed to feed the ground transmitters.

There has been much discussion around this subject and I am not sure anyone has found a solid answer to the question...

Do you know of any official documentation that details this?

Jim do you have any official word on this?
"Primary" and "Secondary" targets.....

There has been much discussion around this subject and I am not sure anyone has found a solid answer to the question...

Do you know of any official documentation that details this?

Jim do you have any official word on this?

Brian, primary radar does feed traffic data to TIS-B. Not sure of the circumstanses mentioned at Oshkosh last year but could be that traffic with xpndrs off were surpressed lacking data needed for SSR/PSR target correlation.