
Well Known Member
  • Send paperwork in for Repairman Cert

It had gradually moved to the top of my "Things to do" list, and when my annual Condition Inspection came due, I finally decided it was time to dive into the government nightmare of the FAA.

I called the Seattle FSDO and asked one of the helpful employees what info they needed included with my repairman certificate application. I was told to send in the application, and they would schedule an inspection at my hangar to look over my builder log, my plane, and interview me prior to issuing the certificate. With some trepidation, I sent the application in.

Two weeks later, I got a call from the FSDO. They wanted a fax of my drivers license for photo id. As soon as they received the fax, they issued me a Repairman Certificate. No interview. No review of builders log or on-site visit. No worries!

Total time from sending the application to the FSDO to receiving the certificate - three weeks!

For once I can say... Thank You FAA!