Has your Mom flown with you in your RV?

  • Yes (But it was clear she didn't like it much, and did it out of love...)

    Votes: 8 13.1%
  • Yes! (She loved every minute of it, and couldn't wait to go again!)

    Votes: 23 37.7%
  • No (She believes that if God had intended Mom's to fly, they'd get their wings earlier...)

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • No (Sadly, the timing was such that the opportunity was not there...)

    Votes: 27 44.3%

  • Total voters
You betcha'. My mother has always been one of my biggest champions and I think she saw this project as just another one of *her* successes. I went and picked her up at ksat and flew her up to Austin to check out our new house. I had her back home before dinner. Two round trips back to back. She had not flown with me since the early '90s and commented that she could see how this experimental thing was right up my alley.
(dialing the phone right now to say happy mothers day.)
Last week my mom came down for the weekend. Got to take her to lunch in Augusta! On the way there I kept asking if she'd want to go upside down (I nag her and nag her and nag her). Finally, she agreed - "just one time" she said. So a simple roll it was, but at least she has seen the ground from a different view.

Asked if it bothered her and she said 'no'. It was more disorienting to her than anything - asking how I keep orientation.

Anyway, made me feel good that she likes my airplane and is comfortable in it. My dad, on the otherhand, is more nervous. My mom almost completed her PPL back in the day but she told me it was a matter of money (go figure). Either a car or flight lessons.
Not yet. She told me that if it made it from NC to Mid-Michigan she would go for a ride. Unfortunately when we where there over Easter it was cold and I spent the only available day giving rides to nieces, nephews, brothers, and sisters. I come from a fairly large family so there were a lot of rides to give.

However, she did say she would ride in it the next time I'm up there. As it turns out, one of the ladies she plays cards with is a lifelong EAA member and the lady is probably my best champion. To hear Mom tell it, she gave her a hard time for not jumping at the chance to go for a ride when I was up there.

My favorite Mom quote from when she saw the plane for the first time, "My, that is SMALL!"
My mother took her first ever airplane ride with me years ago in my old Grumman. I think it was less scary than she expected it to be, and ALMOST admitted that she liked it. I can tell you that after that point, she has actually taken rides on airliners (never did that before), so maybe she realized that she could survive hurtling through the air.

By the time the RV was finished Mom had reached the point where her mobility won't let her get into and out of the cockpit, but she likes to visit the airport every time I fly home - even though her eyesight is pretty bad, I think she likes the plane!


Actually my Mother won't fly in a small airplane. She flies commercial no problem, but not the little ones.
But an interesting story. My great grandmother moved to the territory of New Mexico in the late 1800's by covered wagon. She had a cabin (i.e. shack) with dirt floors and raised 12 kids. She lived to be over 100, but on her 100th birthday she went for first and only airplane ride in a Cessna 172. Big write up in the paper and what not. But that was back in 1963.

Happy Mothers day to everyone out there.
Yep, and was pretty jazzed about it. I was also able to instruct her on how to take the controls and fly the aircraft. So she actually flew it most of the flight and had a great experience....

She has since passed away, but the pictures from that day were part of her memorial service. A fitting way to pay tribute....

Great idea for a poll Paul!
My mom loved to ride in my RV6. The first time I took her for a ride back in 1991 I asked her if she wanted to experience an aileron roll. She told me she would rather not. When we got home my wife asked her if she got to roll. When mom said she did not my wife told her how much fun it was. The next morning I took her for the Sunday breakfast flight and she told me she kept kicking herself all night for not trying a roll so now she wanted to do it before we got to the breakfast gathering. Like my wife promised her, she loved it. After that I had to roll her at least once everytime I took her flying. She flew with me until she was in her late eighties and enjoyed every minute of it.

Martin Sutter
building and flying RV's since 1988
She Always Loves it

I've taken my 89 year young mom several times and she always wants to do rolls. When she first married my dad in 1941 he was a pilot for Braniff Airways after doing aerial photography for several years. He owned an Aeronca Bathtub, champs, a T-6 and several others over the years and she always loved to fly.
I've never had to ask her twice.
My Mom is 88 years YOUNG...

and loves riding in the -6. Her first airplane ride was in my Mooney in 1972.
She has never been in an airplane that I was not PIC.
Since July, 2000, my Mom has countless '30-minute' flights from Rosamond into John Wayne (SNA) airport where she spends numerous weekends each year visiting my brother. The drive would easily be 2.5+ hours (with no traffic)...RV'in is the way to GO! ;) Rosie

My sister convinced my mom to go for a ride in my first RV4 back in about 1991. We took off on 27L in Lansing, Mi. (my hometown) and after about a 2000 ft. straight out climb, I started a gentle turn. My mom grabbed the rear stick and said " No, Don't Do That". I laughed and said " Mom, if you don't let me turn, we'll have to fly all the way around the world to land on this same runway and we don't have quite enough gas for that"! She relented and let me turn, and then was very comfortable for the remainder of the 30 min. flight. She still wishes I would give up flying so she can relax though. Oh well!
Yes, around Mt. St. Helens. Mom is 70

I took my Mom last summer for a scenic flight around Mt. St. Helens. On the way back I asked her if she wanted to go upside down. She said no and I did not push. A few minutes later, she said "well, since we are already up here". I told her what to expect, slight pitch up, then roll over. "If I do it right, you wont even feel it." After I asked her how it was. She said it was fine. "Yes Mom, it is more a visual thing than what you actually feel". She said " I would'nt know, I had my eyes closed."
She has flown in all of my airplanes, one time each.