
I'm New Here
I came across an interesting video today of a coating called Ultra Ever Dry. I was impressed enough that I called the manufacturer. They informed me that the product was engineered as a corrosion protection coating for bridges but has since been used in numerous industries and has even been sold to Boeing for corrosion protection on their aircraft. I asked if he had the FAA certification paperwork on this of if Boeing bought the product and handled the certification. He is checking but will get back to me. In any case it is an extremely hydrophobic coating and it seems would be an excellent coating for inside the wing and unpainted portions of an aircraft fuselage. FYI I am building an 8 (1 quick bulid) and did not do any major corrosion protection inside the wing beyond the wash prime that Vans does with the QB wing. I was planning on using corrosion X as an inhibitor but it's messy and requires re-application. This seems like it might be a better application. Does anyone have any experience with this or heard of this products use in the aviation industry. FYI the videos are IMPRESSIVE and you should check them out I was impressed. http://www.ultraeverdrystore.com
Looks interesting and pricey. I wonder if it has a time life? And what it would be?

It's not cheap but I suspect it would not take more than 2 quarts of each product (2 qts bottom coat 2 qts top coat) to treat the wings and aft tail section of an 8. This product was designed as a 1 time coating for iron on bridges so I suspect as long as you do not expose it to harsh chemicals or solvents it will last the life of your aircraft. My only concern would be that coating the wings after assembly would result in coating the exposed portion of the skin and ribs with an extremely hydrophbic compound forcing water and any disolved particles (salt being the biggest issue) to the mating surface between the 2 metals. I hope to read more about this in the application certification documents. (assuming they provide them to me) Looks like amazing stuff though.
I looked at this video and some of the pdf sheets earlier this week. Sounds like a great product but..........
My biggest concern is that it dries to a translucent white finish. Website confirms that they do not have a clear finish product. Of course, I'm thinking about external applications. Inside the wing, this wouldn't apply.

Tom H