Ron Lee

Well Known Member
If not, it would be helpful to call them and pre-arrange a test. Perhaps have it be in a one hour window.

Determine the lag time between initiating the call on the Spot unit with when they call your phone numbers.

Also check accuracy of your position.

Then report your results.

Obviously, this is not meant to initiate a SAR response.
Accurate enough

I can't attest to the 911 feature, but I checked out the accuracy when finding our last Christmas tree. I pushed the locate button where we cut the tree than then checked the spot on Google earth when we got home. The photo showed the spot next to the tree we cut. If S&R could not find us with that, there's no hope.
Was that a news article or an ad??

> MILPITAS, Calif., Feb. 5, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE)

Prime Newswire is one of those paid PR publishers - you pay them a fee and they put your company's PR release on the wires. The Spot folks are down the street from where I fly paragliders - in Milpitas. They share a building with Globalstar (I presume that the device is a GPS + a stripped down sat phone transmitter that use the the GS network)

Still a cool device :p