
Well Known Member
Garmin announced a couple weeks ago that they were shipping their new GDL 82 ADSB out box. I have been on Aircraft Spruce's waiting list since August but as of a couple days ago Aircraft Spruce has not received any from Garmin.

Anybody else get one from another distributor?
Mine from Stein should be here in a day or two. Or when the ice thaws from the roads (freezing rain is bad anywhere, worse in Georgia.)
Got two from Spruce yesterday. I ordered July at Oshkosh. If you are under the gun schedule-wise I would be happy to send you one for outright sale or to trade yours back when it comes in. I seriously don't think you will wait long now.

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Within 2 hours of posting this inquiry I got an email from Aircraft Spruce that mine shipped today

Appreciate the generous offer to trade. I am under gun because my window for install and testing ends this month to receive FAA rebate
Within 2 hours of posting this inquiry I got an email from Aircraft Spruce that mine shipped today

Appreciate the generous offer to trade. I am under gun because my window for install and testing ends this month to receive FAA rebate
Well, just be comforted in the knowledge that your not alone brother!