ron sterba

Well Known Member
I presently (9A) have a fuel filter right behind my electric boost pump. This is all located under my fuel selector valve. Valve is located in front of wing spar as in Vans plans. I have concerns during my condition inspection to open the fuel filter in the cockpit. I have grounded the Plane to a earth ground rod and disconnected the battery. ( thinking of possible static discharge ) (maybe iam over thinking this whole thing). My boost pump and filter is a Andair unit. Can you help me with concerns about this process of the fuel filter inspection. What I should do or not do.

This Aerolab gascolator is described on website which shows the gascolator is installed in the floor of the forward fuselage ( by the wing spar) (I think) and the filter removal is from under the Plane. A drain valve looks to be a option on the bottom of the unit. All of which is outside the Aircraft. Yep I would be willing to change this arrangement that I have for a safer way to check the fuel filters. THANKS

What?s your thoughts,always much appreciated.

Ron in Oregon
RV9A N421HJ Flying
I dont have a 9A, but I do have this gascolator in my M2. I have it under my left (ie pilots) knee on the floor just ahead of the main spar. My electric fuel pump is ahead of that in the same well, and then penetrates the firewall with the fuel line. My selector is between pilot and copilot. The gascolator is a very nice piece of machine work. And having it outside the engine environment (ie no blast tube BS), and the fuel and filter access outside the cockpit too was the selling factor for me.

Coincidentally, theres a similar gascolator conversation on the taildragger pilots united FB page, and I've posted my install pics there......
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My hangar mate and I are still finishing up installing the AeroLab in his 9A. Location is centerline floor just forward of the selector valve. The only issue we're dealing with is the manual trim cable. If you have electric trim so much the better.

I'll check in with you later, offline, with more details and a couple pics.
Thanks Mani, great news for new builders too! Once it's flying you learn alot. (What I should have done better). Then the mods start.I'll check that site out. Looks like a mod that i want that will make it safer. Thanks.
Ron in Oregon
Yep John ,electric trim. I did have manual trim installed but removed it by recommendation of other builders. Glad I did. use it at different flaps settings on the approach ,pretty handy on the climb out too.Glad to hear you have positive views on the gascolator. Look forward to connecting up. Thanks John.
Ron in Oregon
My 9a, flying for 6 years has a filter in the boost pump and spider valve. Removed the gascolator 4 years ago as it it not needed. Removing the boost pump filter is not an issue during inspection
I have a new, in the box, Aerolab gascolator & drilling template in the hangar and do not plan on using it. Will sell for $150.00 shipped CONUS, if that will help you.
Thanks Nigel, that’s good to hear. Yep I LL have the Andair filter off in the next two hours. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Ron in Oregon
Ron I’ll have the panels off the fuel housing this afternoon. I’ll check to see if it’s possible to install without major remodeling in that area.thanks