
Well Known Member
I'm trying to get Adsb traffic and weather to display on my Odyssey efis. I currently have the Stratux hard wired to my panel and have the rs 232 cable into port 1 on the back of the efis. I've got the Odyssey efis setup for Navwork Adsb. I'm getting traffic and weather on the iPad via ForeFlight but still no traffic or weather on my oddyset efis. I have the out from the Stratux wired to the in on the Odyssey. I have the ground from the Stratux wired to the ground on the Odyssey. Does my wiring sound correct? Should the setting in the Odyssey be navwork adsb?

I have a Pathfinder connected to my Explorer iEFIS's via serial, works great. Will also connect to my Android tablet. I'd have to look at my settings but I believe I used Navworks but not serial 1. You can go to the diag pages and look at the RS232 data streams to see if it's even talking to the receiver. Don't forget you have to turn on the ADS-B in the setup pages.
Stratux working with Odyssey

I'm assuming you're using a Raspberry Pi with the Stratux image? If so, keep reading. If not, then this may help someone else.:)

I have the Stratux working on my Odyssey panel, thanks to some help from another Stratux user in Perth, West Australia. It runs on a Pi3 - the latest Pi with built in wifi. Havent tried it on a Pi2.

There is a need to modify the code so that the baud rate from the Pi to the Odyssey is increased to 115K. Apparently the standard image is set at 38K or thereabouts.

The image is around 2Gb in size. I'm happy to share that image but not sure how to go about putting it somewhere for you to download it. I managed to get it onto an SD card when I went to Perth last year, I live about 450km south of Perth.

Happy to work with you to get you the image file.


Thanks everyone for the reply. Wayne i did not change the code. Any help on this would be great.


Hi Joe

Its not a picture image I'm trying to send, but thanks for the information. The file is actually an image (operating system file) for the Raspberry Pi.

Bill, I've sent you a PM.. check your messages.


Stratux serial mod

It would be most helpful for some of us if you could describe the mod to the serial output data rate or point us to the right spot in the Stratux code.

Personally, I can make mods and re-compile the current version of Stratux.

I have a stratux working with an AFS4500s. The stratux builds (1.1b1 or later) have support built in for a certain type of USB to serial adapter, the CP2102. I used this usb to serial adapter:


You will need to install CP21xx Customization Utility from SI Labs to make a change to the product description field. Instructions here:


With that done, hook up the usb to serial adapter to the Raspberry Pi and start it up. You should be able to go to the web interface from your tablet and in the settings menu change the serial port speed.

In the interest of giving credit where it is due, jwyatt figured this out and was kind enough to share it with me.