Paul Tuttle

Well Known Member
I have a friend who has a place at Front Royal VA. It's on my international trip list to go visit him. Has anyone flown to the airport there and can you arrange to park for a few days?
I have a friend who has a place at Front Royal VA. It's on my international trip list to go visit him. Has anyone flown to the airport there and can you arrange to park for a few days?

I made a quick stop there in 2011 on a weekend. Beautiful scenery around, didn't see any people. :)
Paul, I've flown into Front Royal and there's no shortage of ramp space. I don't know about hangers, other they have them. You're getting close to my neck of the woods. Feel free to call if you need anything.
HWY hanger

Hey Paul,

I have an empty hanger at KHWY that you can use if you need a place
during your International foray "south of the border" just let me know. Have a good trip!
Hangar space

I also could provide hangar space at a grass strip (3000x80 good turf) private airpark about 10 miles NE of KOKV. No fuel available, but no hangar or landing fees either.

Jim Thill
Thanks for the offers.

I'll let you know if this makes it past the planning phase.
It's looking like a busy summer shaping up, something seems to get added to the list every day.
Welcome to visit 12VA, too :D

Hi Bill,
It looks like you have a nice strip at Hop-Along. I am looking for Grass2014 season grand opening and everything is muddy here in Tri-state. Can you send me an application and "how-to" land to your field? Paullie likes it smooth, I have to check and report to him :D