
Well Known Member
After you completed the plane? Im thinking about doing just that... Maybe not the entire tail section, but I'd like to get some more experience under my belt and retry the rudder. Mine came out decent, but things like the double flush rivets, rolling the leading edge etc... I have some creases where the spar lies underneath the skins on the leading edge. Tried to keep it as smooth as possible, but I think it could be better... Maybe I'm just over-reacting. Just curious if anyone ever decided "it looks good for my experience level, but someday I want it to be perfect."
Adds character... If it is airworthy and not too bad, leave it alone. Some of these things are just hard to do and there is no guarantee that you will do better the second time.

After all, you need something to point out to people when they think you built a perfect plane.
By the time you are on the fuselage, all those little imperfections will be forgotten, replaced with the more recent memories of all the imperfections on the wings and fuse. ;)

I've toyed with the idea of re-doing the entire empennage because of the imperfections but I've dropped the idea. The reason I have dropped my decision to rebuild was the word "imperfections". This is an amateur built airplane - perfection ain't gonna happen. The plane is going to be one entire imperfection.;) Besides, with price increases and all, by the time I get finished with the airplane, the tail section kit will cost almost as much as the entire kit did. :eek:

No, wait, don't "second time" builders get a price break? :D Hmmmmmmm.