
Active Member
In preparation for Harvey I put my nearly completed fuse up on a table, resting on a piece of old brown carpet. While we did not get flood water in the garage nevertheless somehow moisture got between the carpet and underside of the fuse. This I discovered yesterday(so about 2 months) when taking it down in prep for prime/paint the interior. The carpet stained 2 approx 1 sq foot areas along with depositing some glue-like material. I have been able to remove the material deposits with acetone and lots of elbow grease and even more cussing. But the aluminum appears to be permanently stained a lite brown color. It will be painted so I don?t really care about the cosmetics but am concerned if I have compromised the integrity of the aluminum. I have put a thick layer of paste wax over the area to try to limit any further corrosion. I wish I could post pix and that?s something I?ll learn to do soon but in the meantime any thoughts are appreciated.

Greg Beckner
N557GB reserved
If the aluminum surface is still smooth and shinny and the only visible change is coloration/staining, I don't think you will have any problems.
Thanks for the quick response Scott. No pitting or other ugly stuff. In fact, I was able to remove the thick stuff but at the cost of also removing the alclad. So I will have to keep that area covered until it gets painted. I?m using Collonite marine wax leftover from the boating days but if you have another suggestion I?m all ears. In retrospect I should have just left it alone until just before painting but I couldn?t stand how it looked.
Greg Beckner
Dues paid twice for 2017, still not enough.
I?m using Collonite marine wax leftover from the boating days

Just make sure you get rid of every bit of the wax before painting or you'll have fisheye problems. It's really hard to clean contaminants like wax & oil out from around rivet heads when prepping for paint.