
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Vent Mode - On

In the ever-more-difficult search for good fuel prices, I went to Airnav yesterday to see who had the cheapest self-serve around Houston. KHPY won, with a "Guaranteed" price of $3.79/gallon - not bad when the usual cheapest Anahuac was already $4.07 last week. When the clouds cleared late this morning, I headed over to gas up.

When I got to Baytown and taxied up to the pump, there was a price of $3.98 hand-lettered on the fuel cabinet. "Oh well, so much for Airnav's 'Guarantee!'" I figured - but decided it was still cheaper than going elsewhere. Feeling "had", I pumped in 21 gallons, and when I looked at the fuel receipt, I saw that I'd been charged $4.08/gallon! Now I can be cheap, but in this case, it wasn't so much the money as the principle of the thing! I walked over to the office to see if there was anyone home.

Sure enough, two guys were sitting in the office, one obviously working on the books. As I walked through the door, I said that i wanted to point out that there was a problem with the price, and the guy working the books, not bother to look up said "oh yeah, I guess i should update Airnav..." I pointed out that yes, he certainly should, but that I was more concerned that their posted price wasn't what they were charging! His response was "well, prices are going up...." I opined that it was illegal to post one price and charge another, and that while I obviously wasn't going to fight him over two bucks, I probably would not be returning to a business that cared so little about their customer performance that the folks running the place wouldn't even get out of their chair to talk about the issue.

I bought a LOT of gas at KHPY when I was doing my Phase 1, because they were by far the cheapest place around. I think they are being managed by someone else now, and I doubt that I'll go back unless they are 50 cents cheaper than the alternatives....

And so muc for Airnav's "guarentee" - to be fair, all that measn is that they got the price from the FBO, and it wasn't reported by someone else (I think).....I kind of doubt that it is goign to keep up with the rapidly changing (and high) prices!

Vent mode - Off
Yeah, I take Airnav's "Guaranteed Price" with a grain of salt. I've run into problems with it a number of times. I use airnav for all cross country fuel stop planning, but I mainly look to see if fuel prices are generally reasonable (i.e., not gougers charging $5 or worse), and if it is available at the times I need. I typically call the FBO and ask before taking off.
Vent Mode - On

...I probably would not be returning to a business that cared so little about their customer performance that the folks running the place wouldn't even get out of their chair to talk about the issue....

Vent mode - Off

Like a copy of a copy, the character of society seems to get less and less distinct! Excellence? No more. Mediocrity is the new goal!

"It is not book-learning young men need, nor instruction about this and that, but a stiffening of the vertebrae which will cause them to be loyal to a trust, to act promptly, concentrate their energies:..." (A Message to Garcia, Elbert Hubbard - Feb 1899)
Same Indiana

Vent Mode - On

In the ever-more-difficult search for good fuel prices, I went to Airnav yesterday to see who had the cheapest self-serve around Houston. KHPY won, with a "Guaranteed" price of $3.79/gallon - not bad when the usual cheapest Anahuac was already $4.07 last week. ...

When I got to Baytown and taxied up to the pump, there was a price of $3.98 hand-lettered on the fuel cabinet. "Oh well, so much for Airnav's 'Guarantee!'" I figured - but decided it was still cheaper than going elsewhere. Feeling "had", I pumped in 21 gallons, and when I looked at the fuel receipt, I saw that I'd been charged $4.08/gallon!...

...I opined that it was illegal to post one price and charge another, and that while I obviously wasn't going to fight him over two bucks, I probably would not be returning...

Vent mode - Off

Paul, I had the same experience in Sullivan, Indiana (KSIV) a few years ago when returning from Oshkosh. After I re-fueled and paid my bill, I noticed the price per gallon charged was significantly more than the advertised price. When I questioned them I was told the advertised price didn't include the taxes. I could tell the kid selling the gas "just worked there" but I did tell him I thought that was improper to advertise fuel prices that way. I left and I don't plan to ever make a stop in Sullivan Indiana again.

I noticed this morning that KSIV doesn't list their prices on AirNav. However, on KSIV's advertised fuel price is higher than other nearby FBO's.

I know this is the Texas forum, but I didn't know how to link it to the Indiana (or MidWest) forum. So if you're going through Indiana, you've been warned about Sullivan, KSIV.

It's been years ago and I still have a bitter taste about this experience. Nuff said.

Sorry Don for your experience at Sullivan. There was some turmoil over there the last couple of years between the city and the FBO operator.

Closer by are Greencastle Putnam County (4I7) and Bloomington (KBMG), both of which have some of the lowest prices in Indiana for fuel.

Paul, I would definitely update the comment section with your experience. I always read the comments on Airnav before traveling to a new FBO. Some FBO's care enough to reply to negative comments, those that don't, don't get my business.
Paul, I would definitely update the comment section with your experience. I always read the comments on Airnav before traveling to a new FBO. Some FBO's care enough to reply to negative comments, those that don't, don't get my business.

Yup - Sent a comment in that same day!

Like a copy of a copy, the character of society seems to get less and less distinct! Excellence? No more. Mediocrity is the new goal!

Ha! Exactly right!

At my last performance appraisal our CFO sat and told how they were taking 3 vacation days from me. The reason? "We hired a firm to conduct a study to find the mean compensation packages for this area for companies our size and decided your modified compensation package was more in line"

My response: "That's fine with me, if we just want to be average"

awkward silence followed...
It certainly stinks to hear about the lousy attitude there... but at $4.08/gal, it's still relatively cheap compared to other airports around Houston. At least Anahuac and Winnie are comparably priced and just a bit farther out. Just 2-3 weeks ago I bought fuel at Liberty for 3.69, but I see now on Airnav that their fuel prices aren't posted anymore. I wonder what's up with that? With the SS price at Hooks up to 4.95, I guess even going 45 miles out of the way for "cheap" gas is still a good thing.
Could Be Worse

It could be worse. I paid ?1.53 ($3.02) per litre the other day works out about $11.50 per gal!!!

Oh the joy of flying in the UK!

Sorry to hear about the stinky behavior. Glad you posted on Airnav to tell others that the guarantee at that particular FBO is bogus.

On a slighly different note, as the overall price of gas goes up, I wonder what the spread in cost per gallon will be between the "discount" FBOs, often run by city-owned FBOs (e.g., GLE) and the high-end where you pay for the convenience (e.g., ADS).

On a slightly different note, as the overall price of gas goes up, I wonder what the spread in cost per gallon will be between the "discount" FBOs, often run by city-owned FBOs (e.g., GLE) and the high-end where you pay for the convenience (e.g., ADS).


That's always been my question. It's amazing how the FBO's at Ellington can charge over $5.gallon while at the same time, the little Muni fields on the other side of Galveston Bay were under $4. It's the same fuel!

I generally "tanker" fuel, buying it where it is cheapest. I figure that half my flying is just local playing around, Acro stuff - it doesn't make any difference if I fill up before, after, or during a flight like that - so I enjoy myself on the way over to get guess, and then again on the way back. If I am departing on a long trip, I make my first stop at the best fuel price enroute.

Do I feel bad about not "supporting my local FBO?", I must admit that I don't. Most of the funding for the airport came from the Federal Government anyway, and I pay those taxes. If I can save 20%, I can fly 20% more!
