
Active Member
Hey VAF,

Many of us here at Hartzell will be at Oshkosh, with representatives from sales, product support, and engineering (including me). Stop by our booth (296-297) to ask questions, see some cutaway propellers, or just enjoy some air conditioning. We'll have two RV specific props there: a cutaway of the 3 blade composite Explorer prop inside, and an RV-8 out front with the new two blade Carbon Blended Airfoil.

I'll be presenting a forum on propeller selection on Tuesday at the Homebuilder's Hangar at 11:30 am CDT. We also have several seminars on propeller maintenance (Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 10 am) and composites (Tuesday, Thursday at 10am) in our booth. We'll also have a show special discount on propellers ordered at the show.

Can't wait to see you there!