
Well Known Member
first run after, ahem, a long time. ( 10 months)
did not cycle prop, just a 5 minute run to check for leaks etc.


what's the feedback on this? run some more on the ground, cycle prop, see if the seals do their job? One blade shows these spits, other is ok, so far!
Oil leaks

I had this happen with mine when new and after a reseal, although mine seeped a lot more than that. It usually goes away after a few hours. I would fly it and just keep an eye on it.
I freaked out over my Hartzell doing the same thing after a paint job on my Bonanza. Did research and discovered that after sitting the grease will settle. It got less and less and went away after several flights. The first several flights in my RV-8 with a new Hartzell resulted in the same thing. Keep an eye on it after each flight to be sure it clears up. This is another good excuse to fly often in the future.
Service, then Fly the **** out of it

I'd service the prop according to the manual and then fly the **** out of it. Check for any indication of grease slinging after every flight. Then you'll have our answer.

My new to me RV-8 had a few little grease streaks from the hub that I discovered on the pre-buy. That concerned me but the prop is low-time and Hartzell tells you there might be some initial grease expulsion on an new prop for the first hours. So, I did what I suggest. I serviced the prop properly and, after putting over 60 hours on the airplane, I haven't seen any grease whatsoever.

Grease and go is my recommendation!

DR's robot censored (****) my word up there but I assure you it wasn't what most of us would consider a true 4 letter word. It started with C, had an R next, then a A, then a P on the end. Is that really a cuss word? Just don't want ya'll to think I'm a foul-mouthed aviator or anything :)
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