
Well Known Member
Am getting a good deal on a -7666 bladed Hartzell prop. Can get a "non-suffix" compact hub or an "A" suffix compact hub with it ("B" is newest). I am building an 8 and putting an IO-360 parallel valve engine on it. Since it is in the "acrobatic category," the "A" suffix hub would have to be inspected every 100 hrs by taking it off (because they crack from the inside first), And the "non-suffice" hub would have to be checked every 100 hrs, but some stuff could be put on it and it wouldn't have to be taken apart (because it cracks on the outside first). Any thoughts on which one to choose ("non-suffix" or "A")? A new "B' suffix hub is about $2500 and the "A' hub is suppose to be beefier than the "non-suffix" hub? Don't know if everything I have stated is in fact true, but that is my understanding of it. Thanks.
First off, your experimental, so you don't have to do any inspections at all if you don't want. I DON'T RECOMMEND THAT, but thats the legality of the situation.

From a standpoint of what I'd do if I were you, I buy the prop, buy a "b" hub and then sell the A hub to some guy like me who has a non-acro plane that they need one for. Pretty soon here a universal AD is going to come out on the no-suffix hubs that will cause a huge demand for A and B hubs. That way you offset the costs of your B hub and have no repetitive inspections. Also pretty soon that no-suffix hub will be close to worthless.