
Just curious--you folks that have the blended airfoil hartzell on an angle valve 200 horse lycoming, how smooth is it? I am posting this for a friend that just put the prop on his mooney. The 2 blade McCaulley he removed was smooth as glass (had been balanced on the aircraft), the Hartzell has a definite vibration that can be felt in the rudder pedals and yoke, and can be seen on the shock mounted instrument panel. Prop was returned to shop to confirm balance and is spot on, was balanced on the plane, needed very little weight and balanced to a very low number, but still a definite vibration at power. Put old prop back on, and is still smooth as can be. Unfortunately it is leaking and probably won't overhaul again (blades were minimum spec at last overhaul). I haven't heard any complaints on this prop before, I know there are a lot of them out there, any input is welcome!

Spinner on straight? I can't really think of anything else off hand. Is it faster than the McCauley?
the spinner is as straight as I have seen out of the box--that is to say perfect

It is about 3-5 knots faster than the McCaulley and quieter
Strange-- I fly a Mooney with a Hartzel 2 blade prop, and it is one of the smoothest combinations i have flown with in my opinion. It is an older Hartzel that was overhauled 3 years ago. Definetly not rough like you are talking. Very Strange.