
Well Known Member
Any experts out there on the benefits, or WHICH ONE WOULD YOU PICK between the new Hartzell blended airfoil prop or the MT for an RV-4 180HP??

Looking for inputs, would like to make a decision this week>>>

I'm not a prop expert, but I do love my Hartzell BA prop. Very smooth, great climb (over 1800 FPM at gross), great cruise (204+ mph at 2400 FT, 8000 msl), my balance worked out very well on a 7A with 0-360 A1A and a completed weight of 1117 lbs with full steam gyro panel, paint and upholstery.

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Lots of debate on this one

Check the archives.

Not sure if thereis a new brand of MT prop out there or not but the biggest argument against the MT was that it was significantly slower and more expensive than the Hartzell.

But the Hartz is definatly heavier.

7a IO360 Hartz C/S
My blended airfoil is sooooo smooth it feels like a composite prop. Forget the MT . You will be very happy with the blended airfoil .
Ordering it this morning!

OK, three plusses for the minus's...ordering this morning! Thanks everybody!
