Well Known Member
I have looked but can not find if anyone has used a Hartzell Aerobatic counter weighted prop on an RV-8 .
This is the one that goes to High Pitch if oil pressure is lost .
Is this prop usable or is it too Heavy , any in put would be appreciated ?

I have just purchased a RV-8 Project and am currently flying a Hiperbipe with a Lyc IO360 and it has this prop on it . My intensions are to use the Hiperbipe as a doner aircraft since the market does not want to pay what I think it worth to me. So I have most everything to complete the RV-8 that I have longed for . I'm gather information to make the right choises for the 8.

I have been watching this sit for awhile and am very glad that is available to us NEWBIE'S to view . Thank's to all .
There is an RV-8 on our field that has one of those props on it. Randy (call sign Monkey) flys it, and told me the prop is really too heavy but will work. It requires a larger spinner to house the counter-balances.

The Doll has the standard Hartzell on it. I used a small oil accumulator to feed oil to the pump during momentary interruptions in oil pickup when doing aerobatics. The accumulator works well with the Christen Inverted oil sustem, and I never have any prop runaways.
The Doll has the standard Hartzell on it. I used a small oil accumulator to feed oil to the pump during momentary interruptions in oil pickup when doing aerobatics. The accumulator works well with the Christen Inverted oil sustem, and I never have any prop runaways.


What accumulator are you useing? I have a 1/2 Raven system and was wondering how many seconds of oil pressure a 1 1/2 quart Moroso accumulator would provide?
I have just purchased a RV-8 Project and am currently flying a Hiperbipe with a Lyc IO360 and it has this prop on it . My intensions are to use the Hiperbipe as a doner aircraft since the market does not want to pay what I think it worth to me. So I have most everything to complete the RV-8 that I have longed for.

You're going to kill one of the few Hiperbipes left for ANOTHER RV!!! Say it isn't so!

With all due respect, the HB isn't much of a donor for the RV without changes to the induction (I'm guessing a -B1E...) and a new prop. Better to keep intact and just buy the right stuff for the RV.

Also, as one who has both an RV-8 AND a Hiperbipe sitting in my hangar, ready to go at a moment's notice, I would not "kill" one for the other. The RV has some great qualities, but the HB is a lot more fun to fly. The RV will certainly outrun the HB, but if it's a turning "fight", the RV is dead.

Yes, the market is down for Hiperbipes, but so too is it for RV's. I'd encourage you to wait it out and sell the HB when the market turns, then buy the right engine/prop for the -8. The HB almost "requires" a specific engine/prop combo, so stripping it of the FWF essentially dooms the airframe to the scrap heap. The airplane deserves better.

...Besides, there's enough RV's to go around... :D
o Mike to address your question , I have tried to sell the Hiperbipe but I will not give it away just to keep it in service . It is worth $40K in parts to me plus I already paid the 6% Pa. tax on it . I will continue trying to sell it while I fly it until the RV-8 is ready for the transplant . If at that time it is not sold I will put All the nessary parts on the 8 and move on . This is my second Hiperbipe and it is a good one , but not my " DREAM PLANE ". I have wanted the RV-8 since it first came out but could never afford it , and still can't ! LOL . You can see photos of the Bipe at { www.jrross.i8.com } if anyone is interested . So if you know anyone who wants it $45K will buy it , or not . Now, let's see , whats next to do on the RV-8 ?:rolleyes: Ah Rudder Peddles .
Well, let's just hope the market moves enough to allow someone to buy your HB... It's a fine airplane, and certainly "important" enough to keep it from being relegated to a "donor" (that's why they made Cherokees and Mooneys). Now if you had a single place rat of an airplane, sure, not much harm in parting it out, but the HB is a very capable, practical aircraft. I understand that the HB is not the "plane of your dreams", because I feel the same way about mine, but the same is true also of the -8 (now that I have some time in it.) Point is, they're both fine aircraft and I hope one does not have to die to build another.

Also, the market has hit all aircraft hard... There are very low time -8's available for the 70-80k range - some with very high dollar avionics. The one in my hangar is a good example - Discounting the brand new instrument panel, the "realized value" of the remainder this flying, sub 400 hour, 200hp fuel injected, CS prop, quickbuild was little more than the price of a RAW QUICKBUILD KIT! OUCH! :eek: Or, looking at it another way, the new owner paid "retail price" for the panel and the kit, but the engine, prop, construction, paint, and flight test were "free".

BTW, do you have any significant time in a -8? What is the "mission" of your -8? Reason I ask is because I would think a two time HB owner, such as yourself, is very interested in aerobatics. If this is the case, I think you will find the -8 "lacking" (compared to the HB). If your mission is high speed x-country, then the -8 is better than the HB, but I still found it far from ideal.
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My Mission

Well Mike to be honest , I have never flown a RV-8 , a 7 yes, and I did like the response of it . But the tandum seating "Fighter type " moves me . In 1974 I had a Cassutt "my little Fighter " it was very tight fitting , my S1S Pitts was Bigger and a lot of fun fly acro , nice bubble canopy but the upper wing was in the way of the View . LOL . As far as my mission , well I guess that is to experience different type aircraft while touching them and having a fun flying them while meeting people and making new friends along the way . I enjoy the experience of aviation and the people associated with it . My Mission .
Thanks to all , Joe Ross :)

This will be my last post in this thread because I've dragged it way "off center", but I would suggest you get some PIC time in an 8 before you get too far along with yours... Not because I think you will change your mind and decide not to build it, but because you may want to "fix" some things before it's too late. I have found the RV-8 to be a good airplane - great even. And if you could only have one airplane in life (thank God that isn't the case!), the -8 would probably be my choice. That said, I would expect that a pilot of your experience is going to find the -8 to come up short in a few areas. A pilot moving from a Cherokee to a RV is likely to think it's the PERFECT airplane (and justifably so), but someone with experience in a Pitts and HB will have a different perspective.

PM or email me if you would like a (barely qualified) perspective about your future -8... Perhaps I can help you shape your project or expectations.

Good luck with the project and finding a new owner for the HB.