
Well Known Member

I finally made an engine decision for the RV-8, and have an O-360 on order. The plan is to use the new blended airfoil Hartzell, but I notice that it is available in two diameters, 72" and 74".

Traditional, generic prop wisdom would suggest that the 72" would provide a better top speed, but the 74" would give better climb. Is one of these clearly preferred over the other for an RV-8?
I went with 74...

I had the same problem - couldn't figure out which length to go with. Checked with Van's, and they couldn't give me a reason either way. Looked at all the articles and postings I could find for performance diferences - didn't find any tie breakers. Finally called Hartzell, and they suggested that "You can always shorten a 74 into a 72 if you find it necessary - but you can't go the other way!" I went with the 74, and am getting about 2 knots better than Van's spec numbers for top speed.

I have the 74"

on a -7A and love it. Combined with the XP-360 engine it is an unbeatable combo (no rpm restrictions and smooth). I used the same logic as mentioned above, I have some room to cut it down if needed. It really only subtracts 1" from your ground clearance over the 72" and I too am seeing speeds higher than Vans published numbers (176 knots cruise at 8000' density TAS).
Thanks for the comments. At least I'm not the only one who's questioned this. If you look at the models that they suggest for each diameter, it appears that maybe they had to make a shorter prop available for the older models, and just give you the choice for the newer models. I'll just go with the 74".

hecilopter said:
Combined with the XP-360 engine it is an unbeatable combo (no rpm restrictions and smooth

Why do you say there's no rpm restriction with the XP-360? Did Hartzell tell you something other than what's on Van's page? Below is the restriction, as listed at Van's, and it appears that these apply to any engine.

Note: When installed on an engine with magnetos, aftermarket electronic ignition, LASAR system, or FADEC system then the following restrictions apply:
1: Do not operate above 22" manifold pressure below 2350 rpm.
2: Operation above 2600 rpm is limited to takeoff. As soon as practical after takeoff the rpm should be reduced to 2600 rpm or less.
3: FADEC equipped aircraft maximum engine RPM must be limited to 2650 RPM at ALL times.
Would a larger dia propeller have any advantage in thinner air (above 10,000 ft for example), possibly with turbocharging? Sprta related, would a cruise or climb prop be better up high, assuming engine rpm is not an issue (going wankel)?
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Prop Data: 72" vs. 74" vs. 2600 rpm vs. 2700 rpm?

13brv3 said:

I finally made an engine decision for the RV-8, and have an O-360 on order. The plan is to use the new blended airfoil Hartzell, but I notice that it is available in two diameters, 72" and 74".
Well it is funny that you asked. I called Hartzell on the very subject and just got some great data from them.

In another thread, it was stated 2600 RPM gave higher speed than 2700 RPM. I have always found an extra 100 RPM gave a slight 1-2 mph speed advantage, at least in my two RV's. It makes sense from the fact a Lycoming makes about 2-5 HP more for every 100 RPM (in general round numbers). More HP means more speed in general. Well yes if the prop efficiency does not change (too much). Factors affecting prop efficiency: air density, RPM, aircraft speed, blade angle and blade design (airfoil/twist/tip/shape). HP and airframe drag characteristics also affect prop efficiency indirectly by virtue of total forward speed and prop wash effects. Stay with me, it is worth it.

I asked for data on the HC-C2YK with the 7666-2 & -4 blade. I wanted to find out if lower RPM at high speed cruise, at altitude, could give a higher speed than higher RPM. Now keep in mind this is max speed not max range or MPG. The following is REAL data from Hartzell.

They sent me data with tip speeds of MACH .70, .75, .80, .90. The data gives blade angle, Ct and efficiency. You need to know "J" and "Cp", Advance factor and Coefficient of power and do lots of interpolation between J, Cp and Tip speed.

J=V/n * d
(V= velocity, n=rpm, d= prop diameter)

Cp= Hp/p * (n^3) * (d^5)
(Hp = shaft HP in watts, p = air density at altitude, n^3 = rpm to the 3rd power, d^5 = diameter to 5th power)

You can see HP, RPM, diameter and air-density are all factors easily plugged into the equations (in the correct units). HP or power can be derived from Lycoming data. V or velocity is not known directly, but you can make some assumptions or measure it in flight. The big factors in efficiency of a particular prop is rpm and diameter. Small changes in other factors have less effect (less not none).

Well what did I find? Could a RV go a few miles per hour faster at 2,600 rpm than 2,700 at WOT, at 8000 feet DA, 74" dia prop, at a tip speed approx 0.85 mach, at approx 195 mph?

(From Hartzells' data) Prop efficiency at 2,600 rpm is 0.794. Prop efficiency at 2700 rpm is 0.790, at approx the same conditions (but with 3.2 more HP and assumed 1 mph faster). 2700 rpm is 0.40% less efficient. Well does the extra 3.2 more HP is enough to cancel the small loss in prop efficiency? MAY BE/MAY BE NOT NOTE: A 3.2 HP increase should increase speed about 0.78% (based on airframe drag alone) or 195 mph to 196.5 mph. Since prop efficiency reduces .40% (with 100 rpm increase) we should still increase speed of about .38% (0.78-0.40) or 0.74 mph (195*0.0038). In this case 100rpm will not slow you down.

I know 0.74 mph is a small point, but flight test of the builder I mentioned showed a speed drop of 3 mph going form 2600 to 2700 rpm. This may be attributed to the fact of different prop, airframe (RV-10), engine and typical flight test data errors. He did good work and not criticizing, but it does not match my experience.

Well this gets tricky. It is all related and theoretical prop data does not predict speed for small changes in RPM. This is what the Hartzell engineer wrote:

Dear Sir,

You are correct in that the propeller thrust goes up slightly as the RPM is advanced due to the increased power. If we were only concerned with propeller thrust, it would be very easy to explain things. In reality, however, it is net thrust that propels the airplane. The fuselage, landing gear, wing roots and tail surfaces are all immersed in the propeller slipstream. The slipstream velocity is higher than that of the aircraft and it contains individual blade wakes, so those parts of the airframe that lie within the slipstream experience a drag increment - or thrust decrement - that is not only dependent on the applied power, but also on the airframe design and operating conditions. It is possible that, when adding RPM (power), the conditions in the slipstream change such that the slipstream drag increment is greater than the additional thrust, resulting in a net performance loss.

Since the performance differences are so small, we can only guess as to the exact causes and the experience on an RV may be different than on another airplane design. For this reason, propeller performance is normally presented as "uninstalled", without considering the effects of slipstream losses. The attached files can be used to estimate the prop thrust and efficiency of a two blade propeller using F7666A-2 blades (74 inch diameter) under any reasonable flight condition. The MAPINTRP program determines what the propeller performance is. (after) Comparing the results to what your aircraft is doing, the differences are most likely attributable to installation losses.

Best regards,

WHAT IS BEST 72" or 74"

To answer my own question, yes a slight RPM decrease could improve speed in the exact right condition or can decrease speed. Because of my experience I have found a slight speed increase with 72" dia props. A 74" prop on a different model plane could be a case where rpm increase results in a slight airspeed loss. A prop design matching the airframe is critical, this is where the Hartzell "Blended" airfoil comes in.

To answer you question, yes at high speed, in general, a smaller dia will improve prop efficiency. Also at slow forward speed (CLIMB) the larger diameter will increase (thrust) efficiency:

In the above cruise example with a 74" dia prop, 195mph, 8000ft DA, efficiency was .794/.790 for 2,600/2,700 RPM respectively. With a 72" prop, efficiency is .814/.807 (tip speed .825M). The 72" efficiency goes up about 2% over the 74" prop.. With a 72" prop the speed increase with 100 RPM (2600 to 2700) will almost be Nil (.15 mph), but you are already going 1.2 mph faster than the 74" in the first place. So with a 72" prop, airspeed is almost a wash going from 2600 to 2700 rpm. Therefore unless racing, 2600 rpm would be better (less noise and FF) for about the same speed. This is in-line with my flight test. Of course we all tend to run lower RPM's for normal cruise (2350-2500).

Bottom line props are complex and the only way to determine the best RPM for best forward speed is to flight test it. Also measuring 1 mph in flight test is hard to do (and each time you change power you need to adjust mixture).

What about CLIMB? 100mph, tips speed 0.80M , 180hp@ 2700 RPM and sea level:

Prop efficiency in climb:
.................Prop Dia.

Now notice at 74" is NOW more efficient than the 72". Also notice both the 72" and 74" dia props are more efficient at 2700 than 2600 by a tiny amount! With 5 more HP at 2700 rpm and higher prop efficiency there is no doubt about RPM to use. For sure HP rules in climb. HP has a bigger affect to climb than HP does to top speed. HP is almost proportional to ROC. With a 180HP engine @ 2700 rpm, you will have 175HP @ 2600 rpm (sea level). 180/175= 1.0285 or about 2.8% more climb based just on HP. Prop efficiency is greatest with a 74" prop @ 2700. Note: 72" prop is 0.74% less efficient than the 74" at 2700 RPM, but this is only worth about 16 fpm. HP rules! MATH IS FUN :D

In conclusion more RPM will make more noise, burn more fuel and may give a small increase in speed for many normal conditions; however this is really an issue for racing; since we don't fly around on a routine basis at 2700 rpm or even 2600 rpm for that matter. For max efficiency range, especially at high speed slower RPM is better in general regardless of prop diameter. Of course airframe efficiency (best L/D) is better at slower speed and engine efficiency (power for fuel burn) may improve slightly (friction) at lower RPM (efficiency = HP/FF not just FF, piston engine efficiency really does not change much except at full WOT, which is better than with a partially closed throttle or throttle body). That's why WOT at an altitude (+/-8000) which gives 75% or less power (so we can lean) is the best efficiency.

The higher you fly the better range (to a limit). With the need for O2 above 12,500', a practical range for cruise altitudes is 080-120, depending on air-temp/gross weight. Despite the promise of turbo chargers, many things work against you as you climb higher (with a piston/prop powerplant), not to mention complexity, weight, maintenance and expense of the turbo system.

For me I run a 72" prop because I am interested in top speed than climb. (Really I got a great deal and I am cheap. :eek: ) I might suggest you get a 74", since the Blended F7496 comes in 74". There is the practical consideration of ground clearance; if you plan on flying in dirt, shorter blades are less likely to pick up rocks. Older RV-4's (short gear) IMO need a shorter prop. Hartzell even makes a 68" blade for the Lancair's. Since we are talking about .5% more efficiency for cruise, .75 mph (shorter prop) and about 0.8% greater efficiency for climb, 20 fpm (longer prop), it's a toss-up.


Note: This is very specific data. It ONLY applies to the Hartzell C2YK-1BF/F7666A-2 & -4 on a typical two seat RV. From the data I see the Hartzell prop produces great performance / efficiency for a range of flight conditions we fly. The "Blended" prop, C2YR-1BF/F7496, is even better and designed for 74" (I think). For the record at 2300/2400 rpm cruise efficiency is .831/.827.
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72" or 74"

George a.k.a. gmcjetpilot said:
Well this gets tricky. It is all related and theoretical prop data does not predict speed for small changes in RPM.
That's for sure! Here's what I used to decide on my prop:


Once you solve this differential equation, you'll see that the answer is very clear - 69" MTV-7 3-blade for Eggenfellner STi Subaru 2.5XT engine in a Van's RV8. :D
Math is fun

rv8ch said:
That's for sure! Here's what I used to decide on my prop:

Once you solve this differential equation, you'll see that the answer is very clear - 69" MTV-7 3-blade for Eggenfellner STi Subaru 2.5XT engine in a Van's RV8. :D
mathematica! Cheater :D Hey if 69" is good why is MT engineering/marketing selling 74" dia. three blade-ers to us Lycoming pukes? May be you should go over to dutch-land and show them whats what Mickey. :rolleyes: BTW I solved the equation on the back of napkin and it clearly I come out with a closed form solution equal to a 74" Hartzell Blended airfoil. Do I get partial credit. :p

Math is fun, G
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You don need no steenking math!!! :D Just fly the new 74" Hartzell BA prop and you will know!!!! :)

Damn George :eek:

Thanks for the in-depth analysis, which supports what I've always heard about prop diameters. In this case, it doesn't sound like there's enough difference in climb or cruise between the two diameters to matter much, so I'll just go with the 74". There, another decision made :)
Just for fun

13brv3 said:
Damn George :eek:

Thanks for the in-depth analysis, which supports what I've always heard about prop diameters. In this case, it doesn't sound like there's enough difference in climb or cruise between the two diameters to matter much, so I'll just go with the 74". There, another decision made :)
I like to race (like to win but..) so I did it for myself and had the data. I wanted to understand how it all works. I was learning along with you. O-360+Hartzell Blended Airfoil = Awesome. G
In full confession mode, I can explain my 74" choice. My buddy has an O-360 powered RV-8, with a 74" older styl Hartzell. I must be able to meet, or exceed his climb and cruise performance :p

I figure the blended airfoil prop will exceed his cruise performance, even at the same diameter. I'm guessing it doesn't help as much at climb speeds, so having the same 74" diameter should keep me from losing a climb contest.

Interestingly enough, my old RV-8 had an O-360, and Sensenich 72" aluminum prop. I could outrun him by a few kts in cruise, but of course he killed me in climb.
Magic SPOT and RV's

13brv3 said:
Interestingly enough, my old RV-8 had an O-360, and Sensenich 72" aluminum prop. I could outrun him by a few kts in cruise, but of course he killed me in climb.
Easy explanation, you where making more power. Most of the time when a fixed pitch is going faster it is turning the engine faster, and thus making more HP. The Reno guys turn those little O-200's to crazy RPMs well into the +3 grand range. Of you set the same Map and RPM you will be going about the same.

There is one magic spot (altitude, fwd speed, power) that a fixed pitch is right on the money. At that one point you will give a c/s pitch a run for the money. The beauty of a fixed Sensenich is the airfoil is a little more defined close to the hub. Since it does not have to transition into a round shank to enter a hub, like a c/s prop does, there is some advantage at this point. Overall the c/s will be more efficient over all in the operating envelope and will outperform a fixed pitch most of then time, except at the one point where the fixed pitch is optimal. The cool part is Sensenich did a fantastic job of matching the prop to the engine/airframe. Since they made it just for RV's they work quite well for us.

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Just wanted to point out the difference b/w Lycoming 0-360 and Superior XP-360

13brv3 said:
Why do you say there's no rpm restriction with the XP-360? Did Hartzell tell you something other than what's on Van's page? Below is the restriction, as listed at Van's, and it appears that these apply to any engine.

Note: When installed on an engine with magnetos, aftermarket electronic ignition, LASAR system, or FADEC system then the following restrictions apply:
1: Do not operate above 22" manifold pressure below 2350 rpm.
2: Operation above 2600 rpm is limited to takeoff. As soon as practical after takeoff the rpm should be reduced to 2600 rpm or less.
3: FADEC equipped aircraft maximum engine RPM must be limited to 2650 RPM at ALL times.

With a Superior XP-360 with magnetos, there are no operating restrictions on the blended airfoil 74" prop (HC-C2YR-1BFP/F7496). This was a deciding factor in my engine/prop choice. Here is the link to the Hartzell site where they tested this prop on th e Superior XP-360. http://www.hartzellprop.com/kitplane/kitplanes.asp?kit=VAN003&manufacturer=Vans

An excerpt below:


Hartzell Propeller Model HC-C2YR-1BFP/F7496 is vibrationally approved when mounted on Superior Air Parts model O-360-B1A2 and IO-360-B1A2 engines rated at 180HP at 2700 RPM with magneto ignition and installed in Van's Model RV-6A and similar single engine tractor aircraft. There are no operating restrictions.

Diameter range is 74 to 72 inches.

I find it interesting that there ARE still operating limitations on a similar Lycoming O-360 as listed on the Van's web site

Confusions yes

hecilopter said:
I find it interesting that there ARE still operating limitations on a similar Lycoming O-360 as listed on the Van's web site

I have tried to plot all the restrictions for Hartzell vs. Lycoming, stock, modified for different models of props and engines. I got dizzy. But a HC-C2YR-1BFP/F7496 or -2 (74" or 72") on a stock O-360 is good to go. If you go to 71" to 69" there are restrictions. OF course with electronic ignition of HC pistons the rules change and there are restrictions, even for the 72" and 74" diameter, but there are not blocks or ranges of RPM, just single power points, even on the Lycoming (not Superior).

Now you go to a HC-C2Y(K,R)-1BF(P)/F7666A or -2 there are a whole other set of rules.

No wounder there is confusion. THANKS for pointing that out. George
Thanks for the info. I talked to a Hartzell guy a couple weeks ago, and it became clear that the only way for an engine to be officially approved is if they've tested that exact engine configuration. Sometimes, the fact that it isn't approved just means that it wasn't tested.

There is also a fudge factor built in for mechanical tachs. I was worried mostly about the 2600 rpm limit, but was told that the 2600 figure has to take into account the fact that mechanical tachs are often 100-200 rpm off. The unspoken point was that the "real" problem was somewhere closer to 2800 rpm.

Since I'll have elect ignition, I'll honor the 2600 limit for the most part, but doubt it's a real issue.
You mentioned that spinning the prop faster generates more thrust due to increased HP. Do you know if some upper speed limit, other than supersonic tip speed, affects prop efficiency or is thrust linear to rotational velocity? The Lyc engine rpm limits seem to filter out answers to that question.

Isnt the problem with prop rpm related to harmonic vibrations transferred from the engine? If so, different engine designs should have different prop limits.
No simple answer

cobra said:
George, You mentioned that spinning the prop faster generates more thrust due to increased HP.
Cobra there is no simple answer, but there are some general rules that apply to a Lycoming powered RV with a Hartzell prop. Yes, more RPM = more HP = more thrust = less efficiency (sometimes). In general the increase in HP overcomes the lower prop efficiency, at least in (mid altitude) cruise. In climb at low speeds efficiency may increase with RPM! go figure. Prop dia is also a factor.

At 8000 feet, a 100 RPM increase 2600 to 2700 rpm gained 0.75-1.5 mph; the theoretical gain was only 0.0-0.25 mph at 12,000ft. You might think climbing higher will reverse this, where lower RPM gains speed. It might, but the data says higher rpm is a tiny gain or a wash. Really the 2600, 2700 rpm thing for grins and giggles, it is a moot for practical purpose, except for racing. If you are racing and there are no winds aloft than down low is the way to go. Typically for long range you will fly high and pull the prop RPM back to 2400 or less. Less noise, less fuel burn for a slight loss in speed. This is indeed the advantage of a constant speed prop, setting the best RPM, independent of engine power and airspeed.

At low altitudes and slower speed MORE RPM produces more thrust and MORE prop efficiency. In a 100 mph climb, sea level, an increase of 100 rpm makes more HP (of course), more thrust and better prop efficiency and obviously Climb rate increased (but not much). HOWEVER I am not suggesting 2,700 RPM or 100mph climb speed, at least past initial T/O. Most folks reduce there RPM to 2,500 (2,600 max) after takeoff for many reasons, gas burn and noise being two of them, plus wear & tear. Also 100 mph V-climb can be steep in a RV. I like 120 mph initial for better forward visibility (collision avoidance) and cooling if real hot.

That brings up the point, WE don't always fly for most efficiently for other practical reasons, such as picking the smoothest cruise RPM. If you are in-tune with your plane you can tell a 50-100 rpm difference may be smoother.

Also a prop, like an aircraft WING, has its best L/D (lift over Drag), where the angle of attach is most efficient, but we don't fly best L/D in cruise, it's just too slow. Same with a prop. There is an ideal efficiency (most thrust for given power) and than there is the practical power / speeds we want, need or can only operate at (due to limitations in the engine, airframe or both).

When calculating the theoretical prop performance from the data, one parameter change affects 10 other things, they are all interrelated. It takes 14 iterations of the prop data (between J, Cp, Tip Speed Mach) and requires several calculations for Air density, Engine Power. A change in anything like, air speed, RPM, prop dia, air density or HP will affect most of the other factors. Outside factors affecting the prop: airframe (drag) and engine.

The most efficiency or range or MPG's are low low rpms, say around 2300-2350 RPM and at altitudes of 12,500-16,500 feet (approx 65% to 55% power). This is where prop efficiency, airframe drag and reduced power (fuel burn) all come together. Your TAS will not be as fast as 8,000 ft, but your gas mileage will be better, e.g., 15%. Typical MPG on a RV at 8,000ft/2400rpm is 19 mpg but +23 mph at 16,500ft/2300 (zero wind). Does wind and gas to climb to altitude (slower ground speed during climb) justify climbing? Depends on leg length, winds, weight and air temps. 8,000 feet to about 10,000 is a good compromise for speed/range. For long range, especially with favorable winds, 12,500 feet is better. Above FL125 you need O2, which kind of sucks the fun out of climbing higher, pun intended. (Note: depending on you own physiology I don't recommend flying above 8,000 all day especially at night for long periods with out O2. After flying all day at 12,500 feet, I get a mild but unpleasant headache that night.)

cobra said:
Do you know if some upper speed limit, other than supersonic tip speed, affects prop efficiency or is thrust linear to rotational velocity? The Lyc engine rpm limits seem to filter out answers to that question.

The theoretical (efficient) max tip speed, I have read Mach .75 to .92 Mach as a practical range, after 0.92M looses are too high. Yes in a RV with 2700 RPM we are not supersonic, but tip speed, regardless if it's 0.70 or 0.90 mach, is a big factor in effcinecy.

Is thrust linear to rotational velocity? Can't answer, does not compute. :D Seriously the short answer is NO, it's not linear, but RPM is a factor. You could have a whole course to explain that, but invite you to google you heart out on the subeject, lots of info on the web. Long and short of it is J, Ct and Cp are not linear. Air density vs altitude, airframe drag vs speed, power vs. RPM are all non linear.

Remember tip speed is a function of prop dia, RPM and aircraft forward speed, but thrust is affected by many factors. That's why those big bladed turbo props going 300 kts turn their props at slow RPMs, but the airfoil, twist and angle of attack are optimized for that application.
P-3 Orion prop

Hartzell's are optimized for a 200 mph single engine tractor airplane with a direct drive 180-250hp piston engine at 1700-2700 rpm. Originally the 7666 blade was meant for typical 60's/70's retracts with 180-250 HP and top speeds around 190 MPH, which is a pretty good match to a RV. Since they are still made and in service for almost 40 years that's not bad. Even the latest and greatest of other brand props can't beat it. It took a new prop blade design from Hartzell to best it but than by only a small margin. They did a good job way back when. BTW the fastest RV, Dave Anders + 250MPH RV-4 had a Hartzell prop with 7666 blades.

The blended airfoil has a blade designed for a 200HP 220 mph RV. In a direct test (Van's aircraft did) between the 7666 vs 7496 (blended airfoil) there was about a 2-3 mph increase at 8000 feet, at the same power. That is incredible. Since changes in props are measured in fractions of a %. This is not as much new technology in prop aerodynamic design but clever use of all aerodynamic characteristics matched for a specific airframe. Prop designers have always played around with different tip shapes (remember the Q tip), blade shapes/areas/thickness/numbers, airfoils and twist distribution. That is why I laugh when prop makers claim better performance. Really it is more limitations from the material being using. Not picking on MT but as a trade off for smoothness and light weight, by using wood fiberglass construction, you trade performance. Wood blades are also a little thicker, which is an efficiency hit. Also multi blades and blade are not as efficient (ever), but for high HP fast planes (250-300kts plus) they are needed:
NOW HERE is a PICTURE of a Multi-Blade PROP
Prop planes are limited to about 0.60 Mach, or about 400 mph at 30,000 feet. Faster prop aircraft are possible, but efficiency is poor.

cobra said:
Isn't the problem with prop rpm related to harmonic vibrations transferred from the engine? If so, different engine designs should have different prop limits.
Well we where talking about performance, but Yes absolutely, Hartzell and Sensenich have targeted the experimental market (RV's in particular). They test their props and even made props just for Lycoming powered RV's. Hartzell has done extensive testing on different engines (Lycoming and Clones) with stock and modified (HC pistons and electronic ignition). For engineers to get out their flight test equipment and go on the road and do a prop survey is expensive. To the credit of these companies they have invested a lot in the RV market. For example, and no offense to MT, but there props are not optimized for our planes. There 3-bladed prop is awesome on a Pitts, but on a RV it's about 6-12 MPH slower depending who you ask. I think 9 MPH is typical, although some say their MT prop is only 2 mph slower. It is not a bad prop with the lighter weight and better vibration dampening (pilot perceived smoothness). Despite the higher cost they are popular. However I think they are missing the boat with the 74" diameter and 3-blades. I think Mickey said he is using a 69" dia 3-bladed prop, which makes sense.

As far as vibration and metal props, you are right, they must be surveyed on every and each engine (and airframe). This is the advantage of going with a certified prop. Of course the engine and airframe may be experimental, but if they where certified tomorrow Hartzell could certify their props on our RV's, with limitations, already published. (Note no restrictions of any kind with the blended airfoil on stock O360XP.) Even on the same engine, changing one thing, like ignintion can change the vibration characteristics. This is where Sensenich and Hartzell have stepped up to the plate, and it's a big advantage of going with a Lycoming or clone engine using a certified prop extensively testing. I am not sure MT has not tested there prop on modified Lycomings or reduction drives bolted to those Mazda rotary and Subaru engines RV'ers are flying. Metal bladed prop design from a vibration stand point are more critical, but properly designed and tested is very reliable and safe. Metal blades are also lower maintenance overall and easier to repair, in my opinion.

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Prop selection and rpm limitations

I am replying to the earlier post about the lack of rpm and mp restrictions with the 74" blended airfoil prop. Hartzell just told me the same thing over the phone and that I could use that prop on my lycoming O-360 A1A engine even though Van's order form lists that prop for the IO 200 hp engines. Anyone else have any experience with this combination?
That's my Combo....

DCalland said:
I am replying to the earlier post about the lack of rpm and mp restrictions with the 74" blended airfoil prop. Hartzell just told me the same thing over the phone and that I could use that prop on my lycoming O-360 A1A engine even though Van's order form lists that prop for the IO 200 hp engines. Anyone else have any experience with this combination?

I've been flying with an O-360 A1A and a 74" Blended Airfoil now for over 380 hours....great combo!

Is your prop the F7496 or the F7497? I'm looking at the F7497 prop even though it is not listed for our engine (as suggested by Hartzell).
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I have the Van's spec'd Hartzell 74" prop on my 0-360 A1A on my 7A. Great performance (204 mph cruise @ 8000 msl) and climb rate easily exceeds 1800 fpm at gross. It is the HC-C2YR-1BF/F7496. I haven't experienced any problems regarding any restrictions. Actually, never see myself flying in the restricted zone anyway. I believe it is for high MPs and low RPMs. Not likely to encounter those parameters for lengthy times.

Even easier decision for me!!!

I had the same diameter decision to make too once I had decided on the Hartzel BA....72" 0r 74"......let's see...THE SAME PRICE FOR EITHER the catalog said???? So you mean I get two more inches of expensive Hartzel metalurgy for the same price? (STS) Yes you do, Van's said! Easy decision: Just took delivery of my 74" prop. I feel like I was able to "take it to the man"!



Building RV-4 Fastback
Flying RV-6 IO-360/Hoffman
Flying YAK 50
...military stuff!
North Texas
The 74 inch BF prop still has a restriction on the O-360 (180hp). I emailed Hartzell last week and asked directly. My set up is C2YR-1BF/F7496 prop on a Mattituck TMX-IO-360 parallel valve, dual e-mag, RV-7A. The Hartzell web site (Homebuilt section) doesn't show this prop/engine combination but, the setup is OK but with restrictions.

Their answer:

"There is a placard for your particular setup. It is as follows:



13brv3 said:
In full confession mode, I can explain my 74" choice. My buddy has an O-360 powered RV-8, with a 74" older styl Hartzell. I must be able to meet, or exceed his climb and cruise performance :p

I figure the blended airfoil prop will exceed his cruise performance, even at the same diameter. I'm guessing it doesn't help as much at climb speeds, so having the same 74" diameter should keep me from losing a climb contest.

Interestingly enough, my old RV-8 had an O-360, and Sensenich 72" aluminum prop. I could outrun him by a few kts in cruise, but of course he killed me in climb.
Just as another footnote.. I ordered a 74" BA prop from vans but I was sent a 72". My climb rate at 120mph is 2150fpm and at 8000' I am seeing 185kts true airspeed at 75% power.
I have been able to verify this numbers so I feel pretty comfortable with them.
All the Best
Being mathmatically challenged, I must admit complicated formulas describing prop efficiencies are way out of my depth.

I contacted Hartzell's John Popel and said I'd really like a three bladed prop like a Black Max fitted to a local 180 H.P Comanche. I was told testing has not been done on RV's, and the prop choices offered thru Van's are proven. If I wanted a 3-bladed Hartzell prop I would be on my own and further....would not enjoy its significant OEM pricing.

Back to square one, I too labored over the 74" versus 72" choice. Unless I missed the point if raised in a previous post, days ago I finally ordered the 72" version largely based upon Van's published literature. While I really like the idea that a 74" prop can always be cut down, in the end I heeded Van's semi-cautionary note that 74" is a good choice for an 8A but because of potential ground clearance issues, a 72" dia. is recommended for an -8.
Prop length discussion

After reading all the excellent posts regarding which prop length is best, my limited brain capacity has been reached, and my big decision now is to go with a long neck or standard length beer bottle.
Of course the long neck is less clearance between the counter top and my thirsty choppers!
Redhawk....LMAO, I like the way you think. Perhaps some additional data points are needed however. Typically at the local brewpub the 16oz draft IPA gives a better quality ride than the light performers in most long necks. While the distance between rim and lips is slightly increased you gain volume and quality by going with the shorter carafe.