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To All Our Brainard Airport Supporters:

The very short Connecticut 2022 Legislative Session ended on Wednesday, May 4th at midnight. For those of you who were able to follow the activity, you will notice that there were hundreds of bills for the assembly to consider – only one of which was Bill 463, our bill pertaining to the future of Brainard Airport.

With the help of David Evans & Associates, our Lobbyists, Hartford Brainard Airport Association worked as hard as we could to keep the bill from passing. In fact, because of the short session and the complexity of the issues, the bill was not voted on in the general assembly. While we wish that would have killed the movement to close Brainard once and for all, Senator Fonfara, the leading force in opposition to Brainard, was able to maneuver the implementation of a new “Study” to be conducted by the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD). $ 1.5 mil was appropriated in the Connecticut budget to complete an environmental impact study and to determine possible redevelopment alternatives over the next 1 ½ years. The directive is to determine the safety for any redevelopment and, once again, determine “the best and highest use for the 201-acre Brainard property.

Apparently, the 2016 Legislative PRI study was not good enough to fight against Fonfara’s efforts.

What this means is that Brainard’s closure is delayed but is still a possibility, depending upon what the study finds, how strong the effort will be in the next legislative session to revisit this issue and most importantly, how hard we work to fight against this effort. Unfortunately, the issue is not dead and much more work needs to be done.

We at HBAA are committed to go the distance and we plan to continue the fight against closure with everything we’ve got. Needless to say, we can’t do it alone. There is strong ammunition to help us work against Fonfara’s efforts, but he will be successful in the end if we don’t continue our efforts against him.

HBAA will be sponsoring an “Information Session” and a “Call to Action” for all our supporters on Saturday, June 11th at 8:00 am at the VIP Hanger at Brainard Airport (Midfield). The purpose of this meeting is to inform all interested parties about 1) what has happened to date, 2) where we stand today and 3) what needs to be done going forward.

We hope that as many of you as possible will attend. The session will be informational only and we will be looking for any and all ideas about the best way for us all to work together over the next 6 months. The study will be done – but we can have a very positive impact to make certain the study is fair and unbiased and recognizes Brainard as a positive economic force for the region for the future.

Please save the date and attend this important meeting. We value your continued support and voices.

Saturday, June 11th at 8:00 – 10:00 am at the VIP Hanger, Brainard Airport Midfield.
Coffee and Donuts will be served.

The Executive Board,
Hartford Brainard Airport Association, Inc.