Really nice piece. I wonder if any other actor has actually served as PIC in any airplane during the filming of a movie, much less the first taildragger the actor has ever flown.

I liked that he was able to honestly describe how horribly he screwed up on his first solo by wheel-barrowing the C206.

I saw N28S in Teterboro, NJ a few years ago. I do not believe the airplane looked that nice when it was new.
I also saw the pilot. He looked and acted like just another guy at the airport.
I remain impressed by both sightings.
A friend of mine flew him over to the Cannes Film Festival a couple of weeks ago. Said he spent about 5 hours sitting in the jump seat just talking about airplanes.
Thanks for posting the link. I really like what he said about "freedom and responsibility." Plus, I also find flying relaxing because I don't think of anything else while I'm PIC. :) He mentioned "Briley, Idaho" but I couldn't find it on mapquest, Google Earth, etc. Maybe I misunderstood him. The video reminded me of some of the photos Doug and others have made while flying their RV's into Idaho.

The counter on the web site for the video is 1,161 this afternoon which is about 150 higher than it was this morning. Wonder how many times it will be viewed in the coming weeks...?

Harrison Ford was on David Letterman the other night (was it Tuesday?) They swapped a few bawdy jokes about Mr. Ford's airplane. He did talk a bit about his enjoyment of flying and being "Just Another Pilot." I'm hoping to see the new Indiana Jones movie this weekend.

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Ford is a

Good choice to have running the EAA's Young Eagles program, (for those of you out there who didn't know this tidbit.)
That video must be old because I am pretty sure he has been flying a lot longer than five years. I think it was more than five years ago that he rescued some people off a mountain near Jackson Hole.


Really nice piece. I wonder if any other actor has actually served as PIC in any airplane during the filming of a movie, much less the first taildragger the actor has ever flown.

I liked that he was able to honestly describe how horribly he screwed up on his first solo by wheel-barrowing the C206.

I think Christopher Reeves did it many years ago. I remember a biplane swooping down along train tracks with him at the controls, but the name of the movie eludes me.

Edit... Found it. This article claims that he was the first.
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Where in Idaho?

He mentioned "Briley, Idaho" but I couldn't find it on mapquest, Google Earth, etc. Maybe I misunderstood him.
I watched the video and heard the same thing, but looking out the window of the Beaver, I see the Snake river and the peaks just south of Burley Idaho.