Mike Reed has the only other HR3 flying out there at the moment and I know he performed his first flight about 2 years ago and haven't had any feedback from him since.
Unless Mike jumps in here, we have no hard numbers for his aircraft yet.
Jim Thompson should also be getting close to finishing up.
Mike's black HR3 and Jim's fuselage on the gear can be seen here" http://www.harmonrocket3.com/Rocket_Pictures.php
Blue Skies,
Thanks Jeff,
I am surprised that there is not that many HR-3 being built. At first glance, it seems to fit my flying mission, high and fast:D from ANE to LUK currently done in a Cardinal twice a month.:(
I just did a flight plan using my HR3 numbers and that would take me 2:15. :eek: I regularly commuted between 10D and MTJ (Montrose, CO) and that took me 3:00.
All weather and wind dependant, of course.
The HR3 can also carry up to 110lbs of baggage and I always loaded as much aft cg as possible for trim and speed reasons.
Hope this helped.
Wow pretty impressive numbers. It's usually a 10 hour round trip in the cardinal:( I ordered the plans yesterday:D and requested to have John call me back. I'm curious how a standered IO-540 would do. Thanks for the info.
The HR3 can also carry up to 110lbs of baggage and I always loaded as much aft cg as possible for trim and speed reasons.
Hope this helped.

I've often wondered how much aft ballast/cg would help cruise. Say I'm flying solo, no acro, just cruise speed. If I mounted a lead plate in/on the tail to achieve perfect back side of the cg envelope for all fuel levels anticipated, how much would this help speed? I haven't calculated it out but assume a modest amount of weight that far aft would get a good cg but not mean carrying around a ton of ballast in the baggage compartment.
coin flip

yep it came down to that when I ordered my plans, I was on the phone with the shop and went with the 2, my plans are Reno and having no dreams of Gold, the 2 was a nice trade off, I can take folks up with me and still go to Reno with the same plane, I still wonder if I should have gone with the 3 for racing, but hey I could always build it if the 2 cant fill the need for speed that overcomes me whenever I race anything.
Bottom line follow your heart, then your needs, then your wallet:D