
I was asked to post this by another Rocket Man.
I was hangered at Deland Florida for a short while and the headquarters for MT prop is located on the same field. The guys at MT said my plane would look real cool with a 4blade. I was told by others that I would give up top end speed and after expressing my concerns MT said they would build me a speical prop from Germany.
Anyway, I may have lost a-little on the top, but I did get an unmatched fuel burn not to mention she runs smooth as a baby's bottom.
My recent trip to Veracruz/Huatulco/Puerta Escondido and back (required several climbs to 15000 to clear mountains). Total hours 11.7, average speed 169 kts, average fuel burn 10.25 gph, averaged 16.44 mpg.
this was all taken off my Garmin 196 and calculated. I have done better on trips to California under 10gph. At 6 to 8000ft I can indicate 160kts constantly burning 9.0gph after a recent injector clean I'm in the 8's. I do have much room for improvement as I always fire wall on take-off and only manage at cruse. I'm told that my Rocket burns between 1.5 to 2.5 gph less than other rockets (it's the 4 blade prop).
If you would like to hear what a 4 blade sounds like at 2700 go to www.landshort.com and click on the movie.
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Good data, but

If I had a Rocket I'd fly it like I stole it. :D (It's like buying a Porsche to go 55 mph) Nive Video, sounds like its going supersonic.

Cool data. That shows me the black, red and bed knob really have an affect or rate of wallet drain. This apples to the puny wimpy girlie man plan-Ol RV's with flabby little 4 cylinders. We can even get better gas mileage (miles per gal) if we try.

I'm sufficiently jealous. I'll race you if you tie two cylinder behind your back. :rolleyes:

Just shows you how good the basic airframe design is and how good a 50 year old engine design is. Lycomings 4 or 6 banger Rock. I don't think there is any engines that are as light and deliver the same thrust and economy.
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I don't get it

Roberta Hegy can go 200 mph (174 kts) at 75% with her Lycoming 360. Assuming she runs LOP that means she can do it on 9 gph. That's a side-by-side RV-7A, yes with a nosewheel. I expect to have similar performance when I'm done getting my fairings and prop right.

So, what am I missing? What is the Rocket doing that's so special?