
New to the VAF forum. Has there been a large gathering of HR owners before? Is there one planned that you know of? Anything in Canada?


Rocket Gathering

One of the topics at the Oshkosh 2012 "Rocket users group" is the potential for a 2013 gathering. As a former HR2 owner, the usual HR2 rendezvous annually is the Bakersfield EAA chapter fly-in every June. John Harmon is a big part of the event and nany of the early Rockets (including mine) were built by chapter members.

With Tom Martin, Wayne Haddath and the HR2 demo team all up there north of the border, maybe YOU guys should have one, eh?


PS: I"ve spent several weeks a year up there in Cold Lake, running around with my hair on fire at "six bills" in the treetops chasing "bad guys" in the F16, love Maple Flag!
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I was just talking to Ken Fowler (Team Rocket) and we may just try to make something happen around Rocky Mountain House, AB, Canada. He's also the airport manager for that location.

Met Tom last year at the airshow in Waterloo, Ont. His plane was parked in front of the Demo Hornet.

Maple Flag just finished....we had many French fighters around. We also had the guys from Lemoore with the E/F model.
Some of us will meet informally at 10am in, or near, the Hangar Cafe at Oshkosh, on Tuesday, July 24. All are welcome.

There is another active VAF posting under "Oshkosh Rocket Symposium" or similar title, that has more details.