Fancy floors

Phil, for a good servicable floor finish...stick with a good quality floor enamel.
The grit ,aluminum dust and filings are pretty tough on our shop floors. Those
heavy bodied (textured) finishes (can) spall fairly easily and don't really stand up to some of the abuses of a shop floor.

When you're all finished and your wife has her garage back....put the fancy floor down then.

prkaye said:
I'm not sure if this is available in the United States, but the "Home Hardware" chain in Canada carries a product called "Beauty-Tone Hardrock Roll-On Stone Coating". There were some TV commercial ads for it a couple of years ago.

Does anyone here have any direct or indirect experience with this product? I'm considering it for my garage floor.

Phil... they recommend a clear coat re-coat as a sealer every one or two years for a garage floor.

Sounds like a lot of extra work over an epoxy floor.... :confused:

gil in Tucson