
Well Known Member
The Harding Icefield is an expansive icefield located in the Kenai Mountains of the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska. It is also partially located in Kenai Fjords National Park. It is named for United States President Warren G. Harding.

On March the 24th 2018 took a little local flight. Wasn't planning on anything special, just decided to cruise around. One thing I wanted to do was time a climb from PAEN (Kenai Airport) to 10,000 feet MSL.

Kenai is located 89ft Above Sea Level-so didn't need to adjust the altimeter as such. As I lined up on runway 2-left realized I forgot to bring my stopwatch-so decided to do the climb anyway without timing it.

Take-off roll and immediately setup trim to climb out at 80 mph which the original builder has listed as best angle. Was cleared for a Right Crosswind departure so upon reaching 600 ft AGL turned right and continued my climb towards the Chugach National Forest (Kenai Peninsula Mountains) that are located on the Kenai Peninsula. Looking to the Southeast I noticed that the Harding Icefield was looking really good!

Upon reaching 14,500 ft MSL decided to start a slow descent towards the icefield. Leveled off at 13,000 MSL and started to take movies and photos. Below are 35 of the 200+ photos I took. I'll try to describe what is shown in the photo as they are posted.

First here are a couple of views of the route flown from my Garmin Area 660 screenshots and a map that has been modified to shown the route with some names added of the various points of interest:



On the map photo I tried to add some text showing points of interest, however I could not get the color of the text to change from yellow-ish to black-will have to investigate a little more of the manual for the photo editing program I have.

Before reaching the Icefield, flew to the South of Skilak Lake here are some photos showing it-you will see it again in some future photos after I reached the turnaround point and was heading North for the return flight. These photos are looking to the North.


To finish this first post, here are a couple of photos looking directly at the Icefield-notice the smooth looking snow?


Right after taking these last two photos I started taking movies, after flying over 50% of the field, remembered to start taking photos as well. Next post continues with more photos....

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
Harding Icefield Photos Continued

From this position looking South you can see Alalik Bay which is part of the Kenai Fjords National Park. In the summer you can pay to take a boat from Seward that will take you to this Bay for wildlife viewing as well as watching the glacier calve into the Bay. In past years flying, have seen killer whales, and Elephant Seals in these waters. Lots of cool looking seabirds in the this area as well.

Alalik Bay opens into the Gulf of Alaska in the background:

Here is another photo looking back at Alalik Bay and the entrance to Resurrection Bay that ends at Seward, Alaska.

From this photo point I took a photo looking to the North.

Now looking to the South again in the far right of this photo is Alalik Bay, to the left is Resurrection Bay- also a view of Rugged Island.

Heading East still, Resurrection Bay Rugged Island is the small Island mostly dark that has a small patch of snow on the top. It is the first Island along the East Side of Resurrection Bay.

Heading North Now-one last look at Rugged Island.

Before turning North here is a look at the far distance-water body is called Prince William Sound far side of the mountains!

Turning North in this turn-another look at Prince William Sound:

As you can see Real rough day for flying. No bumps, it did get to 8deg F at 14,500 ft so engine performance was great!

Heading North along the West side of Resurrection Bay leading into Seward-this photo shows the State Prison on the East Side at the base of the Mountains on the delta leading into the bay.

Next are a couple of views of Seward Alaska as I head North:

I'll end here for awhile-going in to town for some RV-6 time. Will continue this thread later tonight when I get back. Another day of CAVU!

Just received a warning: to many photos so will add the last photo to start the next post when I get back.

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
Harding Icefield Cont

Hi Dennis,

Sorry to hear that you don't think you can make it up. It truly is an adventure just getting here!

Thank you for the comments!

In the last post the last photo was of Seward, here is a closer look at it.

Now heading slightly North-West, these photos are looking towards the South from the North edge of the Icefield:


Now looking to the west (valley that can be seen runs almost due West from this location:


Here is a look at Exit Glacier, you can drive to this from Seward:



Ok, now looking West down the valley you can see Skilak Lake in the far distance, the lake in the middle is called Upper Russian Lake. There is a hiking trail along the Russian River. This trail is used by fisherman in the summer to fish for Red Salmon. I've rode it on my mountain bike, it is a good trail with lots of technical challenges!

Last photo for this post is a zoom of Upper Russian Lake and Skilak Lake-this photo is looking back to the West were Kenai is.

In the far, far distance are the mountains that are on the West side of Cook Inlet.

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
Harding Icefield Cont

Getting close to the end of the photos. In the first photo the valley to the right has at the very top the South End of Kenai Lake. It is a long lake that meanders through the mountains-you will see it again. The valley to the left is the same valley that has Skilak and Upper Russian Lakes in it.

This photo has some mountains a parts of the Kenai Lake, still heading towards the North. You see bits and pieces of water, these parts are of Kenai Lake, kind of gives the impression that it is long and twisty.

Now for some Misc. photos of the mountains along this route:


Here is a photo looking to the West again. Contains Skilak Lake and on the far side of Cook Inlet, Mt Redoubt a volcano.



What trip no matter how local is complete without a selfie?

Hope you like my little adventure! Short hop from home-base, 168 miles roundtrip!

Best regards,
Mike Bauer

Thank you Mike. I had a glimpse of your territory enroute from Iliamna to Palmer two years ago. Can't wait to be back 8 weeks left. :)

Mike, SPECTACULAR pictures!

I can't wait to see those mountains in person.

See you after the Russian leaves. I will see him before I leave for a briefing.

These pictures are enticing me to make this trip, for sure!

:) CJ
Update: June 10, 2018 Trip to Seward, Alaska

Saturday June 9th, a visitor stopped by the Kenai Airport (PAEN). Most of you will know who it is by checking out this photo of his RV-9A and my RV-6 parked at the Transient Parking Apron here in Kenai.

Yep, Vlad stopped in to say hello!

What a character! Within seconds he seemed like an old best friend. Mentioned he was hungry so we drove to a local favorite eating spot. Louie's has fine dining and lots of Alaska stuff to look at while waiting to eat.

As we waited for our meal to arrive we talked about lots of things. After grubbing down, we headed North to my home. On the way we stopped for some brew, from a local brewery, picked up some King Crab I had stashed over at my daughter's freezer and headed home.

Well by evenings end we were laughing, having a blast telling stories and I soon realized that a new friend worth knowing had been met!

We planned for short trip to Seward, Alaska the next day. Thinking it best to fly our RV's as a flight and take photos along the way.

This update is about that trip, it also might be described as a way to scam a free car ride from the airport to the city docks....One thing of note: When Vlad says it is a small world, best to believe him! Within hours he will prove it!

When Vlad arrived on Saturday the Kenai Airfair was just closing up. My Poker was just about over, calling the tower for landing instructions another RV called first and was to land before I got there.

The Airfair is put on every year during the first two weeks of June. Interesting airplanes show up, food and a live band play. One of the things they do is have a Kenai Peninsula Poker Run.

I signed up for the run, when Vlad contacted me about the time he would be showing up, I explained my Poker Run attempt would end at 12 noon. However due to Fog, I wasn't able to leave on my run until 12:15pm, having to be back at 2pm to get my cards.

Arriving back to Kenai at 2:30pm + a few, I heard Vlad call for landing instructions. He soon found out about Kenai weather!

Betcha' can't guess one of the reasons why we have a 7800' long runway?

Ok, the whole South end of 20R was fogged in still. As in right down to the ground....It was one of those days when the Tower says something like, " Ok to start your departure turn whenever you want to avoid the clouds".

Add a little wind and Kenai on Saturday was a fun place to land and take-off from.

I stopped in and visited the Poker Game just in time to be late, awards and prizes were already on their way to home.

Jumped back in my RV and taxied to the Transient Ramp to meet Vlad.

Then on Sunday the 10th, drove Vlad around for some photos of Kenai and surrounding landscapes/ocean views.

Finally we took off kind of late in the day for Seward by going straight over the top of the Harding Icefield. We asked to leave as a flight of two, the tower ok'd and we taxied out.

Here is a photo holding short of Runway 20R after doing a runup:

A photo over the Kenai River/Kenai on our climb-out:

Nearing the Harding Icefield approx. 9000' ASL over Skilak Lake:

At 9500' ASL and entering Harding Icefield from the West:

Clearing the cloud to the North, finally getting to a better viewing area-towards the South was clear and beautiful:

N666BK down low heading East towards Resurrection Bay and Seward:

I'll add more photos in the next post.

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
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More Photos and Stories Trip to Seward

Here are a few more photos of N666BK on the way to Seward. We are just past the half way point across the Harding going East. Vlad asked if it was possible to land, well without skis that would be a problem, soft snow and crevasses might even stop the skis. Gulf of Alaska in background for these two photos:


N666BK with the Kenai Peninsula Mountains (looking North at Vlad) as a backdrop:



Shortly after this I lost view of Vlad, so we talked it over and headed towards Seward separately. Somehow I got ahead of him and landed first. Now about the free ride into Seward from the airport:

Instead of parking at the Transient Ramp, we parked on the North ramp closer to the road into Seward. No tie-downs available so we just parked them and headed into town.

On our walk a silver car stopped on the other side of highway and the driver rolled down his window and all I caught was did we want a ride into town. Well, the highway was pretty busy and we decided instead of crossing it we would walk, so we waved the ride off.

We started walking and now the silver car took the highway center turn lane, and the driver again asked Vlad if he wanted a ride. Notice I said Vlad? Yep, you guessed it, N666BK was spotted in the traffic pattern...The driver introduced his-self as, "I'm that guy, you know, that guy who, we've already met". We jumped in the car, and soon Vlad realized who it was.

Tobin (edit to get name right) is his name. Any way he and his wife Jayne (edit for proper spelling) were visiting Alaska by cruise ship.

After a brief history of tracking Vlad through Colorado and just missing at Loveland, CO, he finally caught up to Vlad by using a cruise ship, rental car and then flaggin' us down! Talk about extreme "stalking"!

We were soon near the docks, so we parked had a short conversation, finding out that two of us were helicopter pilots. I was truly enjoying how this day was turning out! Big smiles all around and then Jayne took a photo of the three of us, Yes, the Stalker is on the right, Vlad in the middle and my bald head on the left is causing issues with the camera light meter....

Now for the rest of the story:

Soon we were on our way to the dock to check out the boats in the harbor, afterwards Vlad and I grabbed a bite to eat before heading back to the airport. On the way back (walking) we saw an ambulance at the Safeway grocery store. Just as we were getting close to the airport a Medevac King Air was in the pattern for Seward.

Our first view of the North ramp was the Medevac parked where our RV's were. Immediately I began to think we might be in trouble for blocking access to the road.

We crossed the railroad tracks and headed to our RV's. Sure enough the pilot of the Medevac headed my way (mine was the closest RV to the King Air). Geez, this ain't going to be nice.....

Then John stuck his hand out and said, "Mike, it looks like you don't remember me."

Well, I didn't but should have. He was the CFI that I hired to get my Tail Wheel endorsement so I could fly my RV-6! He had been looking for me, to give a book back and also borrow one to me, he had mentioned during my training.

Vlad was able to get some phone numbers and great advice about where he planned to fly to next. John fly's regularly to all points in Alaska as a Medevac pilot.

Talk about luck-hopefully it will help Vlad make his next destination!

Yes, we made it back to Kenai without running into any more stalkers....The return trip did find us dodging a couple of rain showers, a bumpy ride through some mountain passes and finally 18-24 kt winds to deal with at Kenai.

Already miss talking with Vlad, he is an awesome person, looking forward to his next visit on his way back to his home!

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
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What a great trip! Thanks for the writeup and the photos. I hope you all had time to eat at Ray's Waterfront by the docks. It's awesome. OK, I'll bite, who's Jane?
not for sure, but I think I see some flap bracket fairings in Alaska. I need to tell Amanda.

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Mike, thanks for sharing, both the pics and the stories!

I was ANC based for 20 years. Really miss the scenery and the fellowship, truly a unique corner of the world.

Keep 'em coming.

Seattle area
Great Photos, thanks for posting. I am currently in Anchorage (been driving\meandering from my home in North Carolina since mid April! with a small popup camper.)

My wife is flying in commercially tonight and we will be up in Denali camping for a week and then down to the Kenai for a few weeks. I have never been there, looking forward to exploring the area. Alaska is so spectacular. I am intrigued with all the sea planes and deep use of GA

Caleb I think was his name (i'll double check with Vlad when he heads back this way=I'm really bad with names sometimes). Any way he and his wife Jane were visiting Alaska by cruise ship.

After a brief history of tracking Vlad through Colorado and just missing at Loveland, CO, he finally caught up to Vlad by using a cruise ship, rental car and then flaggin' us down!

Mike, LOL!! Caleb is close...maybe?? It's actually Tobin & Jayne. Really great meeting you Mike. Have a safe Alaskan summer, this place is AMAZING! If/When I ever get my RV-7 up here, I'll look you up. And Vlad, really good to see you again. Be safe getting back to NY.

Tobin & Jayne

Mike, LOL!! Caleb is close...maybe?? It's actually Tobin & Jayne. Really great meeting you Mike. Have a safe Alaskan summer, this place is AMAZING! If/When I ever get my RV-7 up here, I'll look you up. And Vlad, really good to see you again. Be safe getting back to NY.

Tobin & Jayne

Hi Jayne/Tobin,

I stand corrected! I'll edit the above post to get it right.

It was very pleasant meeting you, I loved the introduction!

Hope your further travels go well, enjoy Alaska. If you're still in Talkeetna, the Roadhouse has the best fruit/cinnamon rolls available anywhere...

I did forget to ask you what type of helo you flew? twin rotor possibly?

More than happy to help on your next visit or just sit and shoot the bull for awhile!

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
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Great Photos, thanks for posting. I am currently in Anchorage (been driving\meandering from my home in North Carolina since mid April! with a small popup camper.)

My wife is flying in commercially tonight and we will be up in Denali camping for a week and then down to the Kenai for a few weeks. I have never been there, looking forward to exploring the area. Alaska is so spectacular. I am intrigued with all the sea planes and deep use of GA


Hi Steve,

That sounds like quite an adventure! Hope you are having fun, are you driving the Denali Highway?

Used to do that with my kids and mountain bikes. Lots of interesting riding and views along that highway! August is the best time for the blueberries though.

Where will you be at when you hit the Kenai Peninsula?

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
What a great trip! Thanks for the writeup and the photos. I hope you all had time to eat at Ray's Waterfront by the docks. It's awesome. OK, I'll bite, who's Jane?

Didn't make it to Ray's, was across the street.

I like seafood, but after 10lbs of king crab that Vlad and I shared on the day before, plus beer-batter coconut shrimp (2-week old fresh caught), was ready for a change-ordered good old fashioned cheeseburger for my meal.

I have heard they serve excellent grub! Will try there on one of my next visits.

Jayne is Tobin's wife.

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
Hi Steve,

That sounds like quite an adventure! Hope you are having fun, are you driving the Denali Highway?

Used to do that with my kids and mountain bikes. Lots of interesting riding and views along that highway! August is the best time for the blueberries though.

Where will you be at when you hit the Kenai Peninsula?

Best regards,
Mike Bauer

Hey Mike

Yes, drove the Denali highway and camped a few nights along the side of the road, really spectacular drive.

For the Kenai section, my wife & I will be camping two days in Porcupine (Hope), three days in Williwaw (Whittier) then to Quartz campground ground and Trail River (Seward) after that, I expect we will back track a bit a go down towards Homer for a few days.

I plan to drive the "Top of the World" highway on my return to the states. Any\all recommendations are appreciated.

Very cool! I lived in Alaska for five years and did a lot of flying around that area. Military and civilian. Your pictures are great but don't do the beauty of Alaska any justice! Everybody just needs to go and see it for themselves.
I was playing with our tracker the day we met Tobin. Good times!

I am sure you know your territory by heart.

As soon as I get there we will repeat the tour :D


Vlad, very impressive!!!! Finding Cooper Landing on the front page got my attention.

Even looks like winter, not exactly the green look we witnessed. Very, very impressive.

Looking forward to seeing more of your adventures for sure!

Yes, kind'a know this area very well, winter is my favorite time to fly it. Mountain biked huge chunks as well. Lots of trails to ride.

My daughter and I flew it just at sunset in Sept., saw a huge brown bear where we turned towards the lake and the rainbow. Was first time for her to see the Harding Ice Field. She was impressed.

Looking ahead to the next visit. Everything on track to head your way first. Decided will need to make it to Kill Devil Hill after stop at Carlisle Barracks.

Best regards,
Mike Bauer