Well Known Member
Anybody else following Vlad today in his quest to visit the Alvord desert? :)
This guy is one serious demonstrator of the possibilities available to owners of a RV airplane. :D
Started out just west of NYC at 6:00AM and now at 4:00PM he's coming up on Des Moines, Iowa. I love these planes.
Me too, Tom

Checked on Vlad around 7:30 this morning, and again just now - he's over mid-state Nebraska.

Gotta get away like this myself, one of these days!

Go Vlad!

Hey Vlad, I live 2 miles south of that wind farm off to your left (south) just after you passed over the Illinois river. 1:40 PM EDST

Rock your wings on the way back.
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Adventures we all wish for.

My wife hates it when I follow Vlad on his adventures because she says it gets me all excited and I won't shut up talking about places we can go. .:eek: I told her when my planes flying all I want is one good year flying adventures like Vlad then I'll behave myself.:rolleyes: I think Vlad's flying is what most of us wish we could do. Ok Vlad I'll stop for now but I bet there's a few others watching too. Fly safe and have fun. :D Can't wait to see your trip report. :)
excuse me honey while I step out my NY door and get a steak dinner in WYOMING!

he's up again in Wyoming. Surely he's not trying to make IDAHO!
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Just south of Big Piney, WY last I looked - appears to have made a turn from a northwesterly heading to southwest. Sun is getting low here in western Nevada right now, so it is probably getting dark where he's at.
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Just south of Piney, WY last I looked - appears to have made a turn from a northwesterly heading to southwest. Sun is getting low here in western Nevada right now, so it is probably getting dark where he's at.

From there to SLC - isn't that the low (ish) altitude path through the mountains?
Just buzzed aerhead's strip in WY and landed Miley KBPI sun was setting and day was good. Thanks for watching :)
I'll wave as you fly over

I'll wave as I drive by KBPI on my way to work! I'm currently working on a well about 25 miles SW of BPI at ~10k elevation:D
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Last year Vlad came to NC and stayed at my house...but, he had to get his buddy in Canada first. I watched his track go from NY, up into Canada, spend a couple hours there, depart and head all over NY and PA, then come to central NC..his path looked like spaghetti! When he got to my place, he said there was a lot of storms to go around...I was tired just listening to the story! Of course, he got the steak and Scotch dinner treatment!
I nominate Vlad for the Bax Seat Trophy!

Looks like they made it to the Alvord Desert.

Who is more deserving than this guy of the Bax Seat Trophy?

What say ye, Rosie?
Can't wait for his next post

Guess he landed at Alvord, checked it off his bucket list and moved on. :D
Burning Man !!!!

He was circling the Burning Man site just northeast of Gerlach. He's a couple of weeks early tho for landing at 88NV Black Rock City Municipal.
Houston ... Ahh ... the Russian has landed! :)

Too bad we don't have an ISS fly- over to toast! RV-9 spy plane tied down, solid and liquid consumables replenished, lodging provided - expecting an early morning launch for further adventures.
Yes, overnight at Space Age Museum/KP HQ perfect ending of a good flying day. :)

Vlad, Paul may be a national treasure but I wouldn't call him a museum piece!

Enjoy the hospitality. While you are inside, your RV-9A is likely swapping stories with Mikey, Valkeyrie, and Tsam!
Vlad, Paul may be a national treasure but I wouldn't call him a museum piece!

Enjoy the hospitality. While you are inside, your RV-9A is likely swapping stories with Mikey, Valkeyrie, and Tsam!

Yeah - boy are they going to be restless and eager for a while! Reminds me of a "Planes" scene.

Vlad's redefining the term "cross country". And with all these record setting trips with photos, the makings of a outstanding RV coffee table book.:)

Looks like Vlad's back home on NJ. I wonder just how many people could have tolerated a long trip like that in a 9-A in such a short time. :eek:
Truly unbelievable . At least to me. :)
Looks like Vlad's back home on NJ. I wonder just how many people could have tolerated a long trip like that in a 9-A in such a short time. :eek:
Truly unbelievable . At least to me. :)

+1!!!!!! Vlad keeps us motivated on every level!

Good Job Vlad! Mission success!
Iron Butt!

I'm exhausted from just flying from San Diego to Boulder, CO and back in a weekend! 5 to 6 hours is my threshold. I gotta say that the RV-9A is a sweet flying cross country machine! It will take you places.
Vlad's an endurance pilot. Vlad, it would be good if you could share some words about how you felt along this trip. What are the psychological effects of such a long flight over several days?