Scott Will

Well Known Member
Well I finally got my 396 into the Air Gizmos panel dock... I like the look and convenience of it. However, how happy are you flying with it in the radio stack?

From what I can tell, the unit needs to be angled more towards the pilot to get the full effect. You sort of have to lean to the side to see all the colors properly.

I hate to throw away $100 but I might look into taking it out and putting an adjustable mount in its place. Good thing I have one of the modular panels.
GPS Panel Dock

Hi Scott,

I have been really happy with the 396 in the radio stack, but I agree that the viewing angle could be better. My panel is designed with the radio stack angled towards the pilot (me) so I don't have the same issue that others have been reporting.

So, based on this type of feedback we (AirGizmos) are developing an adapter for the Panel Dock which will angle the dock towards the pilot. It will fit in the same opening and use the same screw holes, so the "upgrade" should be simple.

The angle adapter should be ready in a couple of weeks.

Mike Schipper
Used a RAM Mount Instead . . .

Scott, I recently ordered a 296 and panel dock, and had to return the panel dock because it would not quite fit in the available space at the top of my stack (unless I wanted to butcher . . er . . "customize" the dock significantly, which would have sort of defeated the whole idea). But in mulling this problem over, and mocking up the layout, I was also concerned about the exact issue you mention - angle of viewing, and visibility. My stack is centered about 5" right of the panel centerline, and at that location the 296 screen visibility would have been very poor from the pilot's seat.

I ended up with the simple RAM mount, and this worked great - it is mounted to the panel just to the right of the radio stack, near the top, and allows me to position the 296 for perfect viewing. The mount appears to be well built, and so far I have not had any issues with it loosening in flight, etc. It is also an easy reach to select functions on the 296.

The panel dock is a cool unit, but the fact that you are fixed with one viewing angle, and no adjustability for other pilots, lighting conditions, etc. is, I think, a potentially negative factor that ought to be considered.
Works great for me with my 296. I have a standard 6 pack type layout with the radio stack next so my stack winds up closer to me than some others so that may help my viewing?

#90598 - N598SD Flying - 13.5 hrs

I don't have a picture in an actual airplane panel, but here is a picture of one of our demo panels that I used to test the new adapter. I removed the Panel Dock and inserted the new adapter and then reattached the Panel Dock. The result is a 15 degree angle towards the pilot.


Mike Schipper
I want one for my 6A! I love having the 396 at the top of my radio stack in it's Gizmo,but this will make it much better!
mike said:
I don't have a picture in an actual airplane panel, but here is a picture of one of our demo panels that I used to test the new adapter. I removed the Panel Dock and inserted the new adapter and then reattached the Panel Dock. The result is a 15 degree angle towards the pilot.


Mike Schipper
This is exactly right based on my experience with a 296 in my C150. I mounted it at that angle, more or less, by using the Garmin mount screwed to a filler plate for the hole in the stack and used spacers on the screws on the right to get the angle. I like it. However, in my RV, the 296 will be directly below my GRT EFIS dead center in front of me.