
Well Known Member
Hope everyone had a good holiday, took it easy last night so got up and headed to KBST for a 1st flight in 2016. :D A little cold -9c with 12kt crosswinds gusting to 18, but still nice day!









Wish everyone a great flying year in 2016!
Congratulations with new season Governor! The countdown to 2nd annual Belfast flyin has begun! :D

Congratulations with new season Governor! The countdown to 2nd annual Belfast flyin has begun! :D
Vlad your correct re: the 2nd Annual Belfast flyin - The date is set for Sat Sept 17th, but looking at having a Lobster boil the Friday before, more info to come.
Can't wait!

I think I have my wife talked into taking our vacation to attend this flyin! Hoping to be able to stay for a few days, getting a rental car and seeing the sites. What's the best way to get a rental? Is there some place close?
Vlad your correct re: the 2nd Annual Belfast flyin - The date is set for Sat Sept 17th, but looking at having a Lobster boil the Friday before, more info to come.

David I am coming on Friday. I don't want to miss this. :D

I think I have my wife talked into taking our vacation to attend this flyin! Hoping to be able to stay for a few days, getting a rental car and seeing the sites. What's the best way to get a rental? Is there some place close?

As we get closer I am trying to get discounts for everyone flying in on cars from Enterprise and hotels rooms.

Look forward to seeing you.
David - not to derail your thread too far... I'm wondering which Android device you're using, and how well you like it as a repeater for the GRT EFIS?

That's a pretty nice "can't get lost from here" panel layout.