Well I'm in!

This is my very 1st post...EVER! Yes, I'm nervous. No, I don't know for sure what I'm doing...But, My life is changing, its a new year and I'm pumped for change. Dad gemit...(if you don't get it just nevermind) My bird will fly this year.... :)

I'm wanting to posting my Panel. Its been a head ache to get it to this point and I'm proud of it but I don't know how to put a photo into my post yet...

Doug, thank you for your work. My $ is on its way. Congratulations on your choice to make this site reality....

Happy New Year to you all!

....Mike, to the neatest site on the planet. We're rootin' for you to get her in the air!! If you'll look on the left side of this page, you'll see "Insert pics". Click on the link and scroll through. It's really pretty easy.

Well here goes!!!!!

Thanks Pierre.

Sweet panel Mr. "Stans"! We're gonna fly this year! In fact just a short number of weeks from now. Let's do it!

Always remember:

1. Safety first
2. Safety second
3. Safety third
4. Pasenger comfort? Well, I wouldn't worry too much about passenger comfort. Anyone riding in an airplane built in a garage is half crazy anyway....:p

Make it a safe and prosperous New Year!