
Well Known Member
May your country be blessed with peace, safety and prosperity. May your airports be free of landing fees and may you experience a new golden age in your country. And lastly, may your GA airplanes be able to roam freely in the time to come.

Good wishes from your Northern Neighbors.
Thanks so much Pete. It really means a lot coming from someone outside our country.
Great Neighbors

Thanks! AND AMEN! I can't think of a better bunch for neighbors. I'm biased of course. Mom grew up in Winnipeg and I still have cousins up there. I flew my Cherokee to Red Lake, on a fishing trip a few years ago. I hope to visit the Canadian West coast someday.
Thank you, Pete. Canadians are the best. We are lucky to have you for neighbors.

I can't resist a quote from another Canada-phile, the late great Molly Ivins:

"Being Canadian is like living next door to the Simpsons."
And if you lot hadn't have thrown all that tea in the harbour, we would have still been there - Ha :D

Got stuck in Dom Rep on July 4 due tech aeroplane but still raised a glass to the 'Old Country' !