
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Hope you're having a nice one and thanks for making the best hobby in the world possible!

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday to THE Man!!

Thank you for providing us with our own magic carpets all these years.
Live long and prosper Sir.
Happy Birthday, Van!

You not only brought some amazing aircraft into my life, you also sent me a new batch of wonderful friends!

Another year…

Hope you're having a nice one and thanks for making the best hobby in the world possible!


Hey Van, best wishes for an awesome birthday! Seems like yesterday I called the builder support line in N Plains and you answered! Had a lot of great meetings and discussions over the years since.
It’s been a pleasure sir!

PS: My wife says when you pass 50 you count backwards every year with Zero as a goal!
I pray you make it to negative numbers!!
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Happy birthday Van

Greetings and happy birthday from the far NW corner of the lower 48 here in Anacortes!
Hope Teen Flight gives you a cake,
Happy Birthday, Van! My RV Grin will never fade away. I smile every time I think of my RV-7A and the Great Man who designed it and made it possible. Greatest Kit Planes Ever and Always.

Happy Birthday Van! I want to thank you again for the advice you gave me at an OSH forum. I asked the question "I'll be building an RV-8. Realistically, how large of a percentage of the work can be done by just one person?" Ken Scott's answer was about 90%, and you interjected "Actually I think it's about 95% or more. You may have to figure out how to do some of the tasks alone and you have to be literally flexible, but you can do almost all of it yourself." I was greatly heartened by your advice and it kept me going many times when the going got rough. I spent a LOT of hours on my quickbuild kit; 4700+ man-hours, including painting. But out of that total only 100 hours were performed by helpers. I did 97.9% of it by myself. As always, Van, you nailed it! I'll always be grateful for all you've done for all of us.
To the Man!

I’ll just say that Kelli and I wish you a wonderfully happy birthday, and we can’t wait to see you next year in Wisconsin.

Van the MAN!

When I started building my -4, Van still had dark hair! And there were only TWO models available: the -3 and the -4. My, how things have changed!

I was in OSH recently to attend meetings and was staying at a downtown hotel. EAA board as well as Vintage and other Boards were having meetings and many Board members were staying at this hotel. There was the Hall of Fame induction dinner as well. We got on an elevator one morning and this tall, older gentleman got on one floor down. He had an EAA badge on and I assumed, seeing him mostly from the side and back, that it was an EAA board member. We got off on the second floor to go to the garage and my travel mate said "Did you see who that was?" No. I rode down the elevator with Van! And had no idea. Riding the elevator with royality! I'm actually happy I didn't notice as I would not have known what to say anyway, not to mention he probably gets people coming up to him all the time with things to say! And elevators are a rather confined space......:rolleyes:

So: I can say it here: THANK YOU Van for designing an amazing series of aircraft. Total Performance truly describes these magic carpets. When I can get to OSH from the Denver area in under 6 hours and still fly formation with a 65hp J-3 Cub....that is one amazing airplane! Nothing else compares which is why there are so many flying or soon to be! Nice job, Boss!

Oh: and Happy Birthday! Happy New Year! Many more expected......:)
Hello Van,
Thank you for the series of wonderful RV airplanes and for building the company that made them. I visited your North Plaines factory in the 1990s and started my RV-9A in 2004. Still working on it, just finishing the panel and about to install it. Engine will be hung next.

I still remember the aerobatic demonstrations you flew at Arlington. One of the many reasons I decided on an RV. And thanks again for the impromptu discussions we had there. Much appreciated.

Happy birthday and best wishes for many more.
Happy Birthday

Hello Mr. Van,
Congratulations with your birthday. May there be many more happy and healthy years.

I cannot stop thanking you for your vision 50 years or so go to do what you have done. You have spread the RV virus all over the world. Here in South Africa the mutations stands at about 300 and is growing by the day.

God Bless
Hey Mr Van,

Kit 1150 here. Thanks for designing me so many years ago. My pilot has been flying me for 33 years now and despite having a Pitts S1S and a Laser for stablemates, he always comes to me for that RV therapy session and returns with a smile and a refreshed attitude.

Cheers, 89HM
Happy Birthday, Van

Happy Birthday to a true aviation icon.

Van's business acumen somewhat reminds me of Henry Ford. Ford didn't invent the automobile, and Van didn't invent the airplane......they both did, however, make their respective products accessible to the "masses".

Had it not been for Van, it is doubtful I would have ever been able to afford a new, high quality aircraft. For that opportunity, I will be forever grateful.

Best wishes on your special day. May you have many more.

Same berthdi as my Bro who built our RV7 with me !

I flew with Van at his farm in his RV10 a few years ago - a real privilege :D
Happy B day Van

I was in one of the first builder training classes at your home base that had Art Chard teaching basic techniques. You took me up in a Six and did a roll that was so smooth I could not feel it😀

I built most of a slow build six and I am almost done building a 3B

You did a masterful job collecting a great staff with an industry leading product

Thank you

Bob Grigsby
Happy Birthday Van

I often wonder what my life would have been like with out my RV4.
I would not have met Hans,(Sabre25) or received building tips from
Michael (roadjunkie) or a slew of other fine people.
Worst of all, I would not have met you.

What a wonderful time machine you designed.


Is it a "Wonderful" time machine?
"Wonderful time" machine?

Happy Birthday to a great gentleman.

Joel Sidell
VanAire Colorado

Everyone has expressed appreciation for the outstanding airplane designs you have created over years and they’ve done it far more eloquently than I ever could.

The one thing I feel compelled to share is how much I admire the humility you demonstrate no matter how many accolades are thrown your way. In a world obsessed with self promotion, it is refreshing to see behavior that I wish was far more the norm than it is.

I wish you many more happy healthy years to enjoy your airplanes!

True aviation pioneer

Happy Birthday, Van!

Your airplane designs and company have been a game changer in experimental amateur built aviation and even in the larger general aviation sector. But just as important you have enriched thousands of people’s lives by providing them with a life long hobby.

I hope the weather was favorable for you to go fly one of your creations on your Birthday.
Happy Birthday Sir

Congrats on making another Orbit around the Sun ! you make me smile & get that RV grin ever time I strap in the RV-3 & RV7:D Happy Birthday and many more to come
Happy Birthday

You have this backwards. We're the ones who got the gifts....of flight in your marvelous design. I hope your day was as wonderful as mine, I went flying.
danny keel
just a little RV9
Happy Birthday to “ The Man” who created one of the most recognizable kit
planes in the world ! Thanks Van !