
Moderator, Asst. Line Boy
Our VAF benefactor, Delta Romeo, has one fantastic son--Tate, who turned 15 this weekend. For those of you in the VAF that don't get to spend time around the Van Cave here at 52F, please take if from me: Doug and Susie are raising a fine young man. Tate's the quintessential "Good Kid." He's a hard worker, flies a good airplane, and pesters his big sister exactly the right amount. :cool:

As a father, I watch Tate and say to myself, "Doug and Susie must be proud."

Happy Birthday, Tate!

[ed. Thank you very much, kind Sirs! dr]
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Happy Birthday Tate!
Having watched you grow up before our eyes here on VAF over the years, it doesn't really surprise me that you're growing up to be a fine young have an excellent role model to follow in your dad. Looking forward to stories about driving lessons, flying lessons, first dates and college. Keep up the good work!