
Legacy Member
The RV-4 design turns 30 this month.
First RV-4 flew in August of 1979.

Hey, does that mean you can now get an NX number on your RV-4? :)


That's exactly what it means. Check out FAR part 45.22(b)(1).
No paperwork involved. Just remove the "Experimental" placard and place an"X" after the "N" on the registration number. The "X" does not show up anywhere but on the airplane. Do not use the "X" during communications.
30 years ago designed.

That's exactly what it means. Check out FAR part 45.22(b)(1).

Yah but thats only for RV-4s that were BUILT in 1979 right? And most of them were built after that. Or does it say designed 30 years ago?

Yah but thats only for RV-4s that were BUILT in 1979 right? And most of them were built after that. Or does it say designed 30 years ago?


The rule applies to all "replicas" of the original aircraft.
So that would apply to any RV-4 unless it was extensively modified such as a "Rocket".