
Well Known Member
In his younger days Jim flew fighter jets. I asked him to send me a top secret formation picture from last century and I am still waiting for it. Jim races cars, rides horsebacks and snow shooes. Jim does it all. Jim also owns a nice grass strip in West Virginia and hosts a mini RV fly in every last week of May at his birthday. This year was about time...

Memorial Day weekend is very busy in the air. Hordes of us bug smashers going in every direction on any altitude. Worst ATC nightmare. To be on a safer side I uncorked my oxygenated bottle and went all the way up where VFR airspace ends. Even caught some 6 kts tailwind.

RV9 loves altitude. She sits there nice and stable real pleasure to fly.

In an hour and a quarter I could see Jim's place. Very visible take a look.

Still don't see? How about now?

It's right here by the racetrack. Nobody on the ground yet. I am the first to the party.

Parked at the farthest spot behind the hangar. A big group of RVs is about to arrive the more parking space the merrier. Do you see how much gas left in the tanks? Sitting atop for an hour cooled down the fuel and the tank was sweating. Great quantity indicator no need for the gages.

Jim's Beauty Queens at static display waiting for an air show.

Handheld radio woke up. A formation is coming. When I grow up I want to be like Jim. Who can afford personal airshow on his birthday? Only Jim. Even richest Russian oligarchs couldn't swing an air show bill. Jim can.

Here comes formation mixed with AOPA brass, Condor and Dragon flight. Great show!

Air show was going on for almost 17 minutes.

Then the bravest of the performers landed.

Quick debrief I couldn't understand a word gotta go to a formation clinic some day.

"You said you have a real fighter pilot drink"? Where is it?

Sorry Jim it was delivered for me. Thank you Gary for good stuff.

Formation parked and relaxed.

More RVs were on the way...

Here comes undefeatable Lawbreaker nobody can beat him in low speed passes. Don't pay attention to his six it's a mirage.

Will be continued tomorrow now it's "The Weed" time :D

Practice, practice

If you want to get it right, you have to do it over and over.

Sooo...looks like we'll try this fly-in again in 2015 on Saturday May 30. This would avoid an event over Memorial Day weekend. (Unless there is overwhelming desire to do it Memorial weekend, it could be changed)

Can't make any promises for airshows or more Jeremy weed, but I'll try.

Added this year will be a rest room that you do not have to share with the deer. So you can bring your more discreet friends.

Lunch at noon, stay as long as you like. Overnight camping is allowed.


Airstrip is in good condition, 3000' X 80'. Vlad's nose wheel has endured it numerous times.

Navigating to Highview (61VA) will get you close. Cedar Meadows is about 1 mile NE of Highview. We are parallel and SOUTH of the RR tracks. There is another 2000' grass strip 03/21 NORTH of the RR tracks.

RW 9/27 but landing to the east is preferred. Left traffic. We monitor 122.85 CTAF.

Weather conditions broadcast by Winchester KOKV on 124.85, or Martinsburg KMRB 119.925

A headcount would be helpful to estimate food (or drink)

RV-4 N444JT
RV-8 N37PK
Wow! Time flies and now it's time we all do the same!

Tomorrow is the Annual Jim Birthday event because ... well ... birthdays happen every year :eek:

I'll only be able to be on the ground for an hour (2 at the most). What time are people arriving? More important - when is food ready ?:D

Show up and we'll feed you.
It's going to be hot but we've got plenty of cold drinks.
Runway grass is suffering from heat and lack of rain, but it's as smooth as it has ever been.


Happy Birthday !!

If I ever get my RV-4 done, I will fly down from Vermont on one of your birthdays.
