
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Gentlemen, it doesn?t get much better than having your wife wake you at the crack of dawn on a Sunday morning because both airplanes need fuel, and the weather is calm and clear. A quick preflight, a few kind words to the dogs so that they will wait for their morning walk, and a launch out of the back yard for a neighboring field that bought their last tanker of 100LL when the prices were low. Airplanes topped up, Louise asks ?so, are you up to some formation practice this morning??

A standard brief and I took off first, with her rolling just behind and joining up before we reached a thousand feet. The high thin debris of the previous evening?s thundershower anvils shades the intense rising sun which will make the afternoon tropical, creating a beautiful, smooth air mass out over the large bay. We take turns leading, brushing off rusty skills - we don?t fly in tight very often, and I consider a week off from this type of flying to be a long time - winding our way across the coastal plains to our normal practice areas. I love looking at another airplane up close, and when it?s your wife flying along side you - let me tell you guys, it doesn?t get much better!

After 30 minutes or so welded together , I call a break and we pull hard away from each other, headed to our respective sides of the little creek we use to divide the airspace when flying aerobatics. Ten minutes of upside-down-time serves to put me in a good frame of mind for the day to come, and it?s time to head home for breakfast. Louise hears me on the radio, and spends a few more minutes enjoying the calm air so that we don?t show up on the runway at the same time.

The neighbors at our airpark are used to hearing two RV?s landing a few minutes apart by now. Most normal people haven?t even gotten out of bed yet, and we have already experienced more freedom than many will in a month. We debrief as we walk into the house, Louise saying ?I kept thinking how much fun it will be to fly the -3 in formation with the -8?..?

Great writeup, Paul..

..My Dad often said, "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise!"

Yep, I too, have been a crack 'o dawner all my life.:)

It's fun,
Quote from a pal of mine...

"God does not charge us for time spent flying before breakfast"

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
Love early morning flying

In my logbook I should change the heading from Daytime to Daybreak. I probably have 80-90% of my hours in both the RV and C-140 before anybody else makes it out to the airport.

As for the flying formation with the wife. We fly about 4 inches apart.
"God does not charge us for time spent flying before breakfast"

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"

I don't eat breakfast! YAHOO! ;)


Taking off before dawn and watching the sun rise is one of the top ten greatest things a person can do for your soul. One thing in my "bucket list" is to take off and hour before sunrise and climb to 12,500. Wait for the sun to rise, land, and watch the sun rise again. Two sunrises in one day is a feat few people get to enjoy.

You are a lucky man Paul. You better be making breakfast in bed for Louise on those non flying days.
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got my attention

Gentlemen, it doesn?t get much better than having your wife wake you at the crack of dawn on a Sunday morning ..........

I must admit you really had my full attention there.......
Messages from the Masters...

Paul, You challenge the laws of nature....

"You have no idea of the magnitude of this thing. If she is allowed to infiltrate this world then George Costanza as you know him ceases to exist. You see, right now I have Relationship George. But there is also Independent George. That's the George you know, the George you grew up with... Movie George, Coffee Shop George, Liar George, Bawdy George."
"I love that George."
"Me too, and he's dying. If Relationship George walks through this door, he will kill Independent George. A George divided against itself cannot stand!"
- George and Jerry

Paul ?


I think? I saw Valkyrie at OSH... Do you not have her name painted on her? Or did I miss it? ,,, or see another airplane with a similar paint scheme?
If her name isn't painted on,,,, why not?


I think? I saw Valkyrie at OSH... Do you not have her name painted on her? Or did I miss it? ,,, or see another airplane with a similar paint scheme?
If her name isn't painted on,,,, why not?


Yup, the Val was there Jay - parked right next to the NASA building. I have my name and call-sign on the canopy skirt, but have never put the name of the plane anywhere - the tail emblem is enough adornment for her!
