
Well Known Member
Large hanger/home building tracts are for sale at 12TX if anyone is
interested. Each tract will border the runway at 12TX. Prices
starting at $80,000.00. The first two tracts on the east side of the
runway will be 10 acre tracts. Plans are in the works to build a new
grass strip runway east of the existing runway, which will be longer,
and bury the power lines at the north end. The existing runway will
remain operational until such time as the new runway is completed and

All airport tracts will have direct access to the runway from their
land. No more than 10 owner tracts are planned for the development
of 12TX.

FMI Contact owner, Dr. Linnard Griffin, former builder of an RV-6
and presently working on an RV-7. Linnard's home phone number is
(512) 756-2691. If you want to fly in and visit in person be sure
and call to set up a time.