
Well Known Member
Not to start a war here, but here is something that I feel passionate about.

Now, we have these wiz bang airplanes being churned out with all the gizzmos in them more so than ever before. GA is up and alive, thriving!

Where does one house them? What can be done from our level ( I mean as Pilots with GA planes) to make local law makers/AOPA/EAA/FAA allow hangars to be built on airport property with out all BS about "engineers" checking project feasibility/local bozos who have no idea why/mayors who dig up airports and eating taxpayer monies? Afterall, I am sure, aviators generally belong to a higher tax paying bracket anyway.

Ask Home depot/Lowes and they will be out tomorrow with no payments till 5003!
Is it not in the interest of the FAA/TSA to afford us this? Small price, I would imagine compared to what they are just about wasting every day at airports around this nation!
You need to help make it happen

Not quite as simple as calling Home Depot but it can be done. And yes, you will have to deal with some "local law makers" but don't lump the EAA and the AOPA in with the "local bozos." The AOPA can be a big help in dealing with local airport authorities. The FAA will give you grant money, not a loan, but matching funds usually 90 percent for building taxiways and ground preparation for a hangar project. The won't pay for the hangars but there are several programs to get good financing. In my home state of California there is a program of low interest loans for such things. A little reality. If the project is on public land (city, county or state) you are going to have to jump through some hoops to get it done. The "bozos" as you call them have this silly problem called liability. If they let you build a sub-standard hangar and it blows away with your beloved RV10 in it someone will end up in court. Municipalities hate that!

We are in the final planning stage for 24 hangars at KSBA. Federal funding for the taxiways, state loan for the hangars.

John Clark
"Local Bozo"
Airport Commission Chair
City of Santa Barbara
RV8 N18U

After all the more pilot-owners around, the more vested interest security guards there are at EVERY FIELD WE SET FOOT ON!!!!!!
Good luck with that in the People's Republic of Santa Monica. I'd love to see it happen, but I'm not holding my breath. The city burghers aren't going to approve any structures for SMO that don't house designer soap, yoga, or fancy little bags to carry designer soap to and from yoga.
Worst case

Santa Monica is a very sad story. The airport has been "saved" several times but I wouldn't want to bet on its long term chances. The most recent outrage was the conversion of the Museum of Flight building into a design center for VW-Audi. They also wiped out a bunch of ajoining T hangars for the project. Because they haven't taken any FAA grant money for many years the options are a little slim to fight the City.

John Clark