Jim Percy

Well Known Member
My son and I are planning to do RAGBRAI this year (www.ragbrai.org, July 20-26). Does anyone have, or know of, a hangar that I would be able to park my 7A in for the week? The best airports appear to be OMA, CBF, or Missouri Valley (90IA), but I'd be open to other options. There are charter services available for the return to any of these 3 places after the ride ends.

This will be my 2nd RAGBRAI, my son's first, and my first since completing the 7A. We'll be joining up with my Father-in-law who has done >20.

Thanks in advance for any ideas!

Sorry I can't help on the hangar but I do have a story to share. :)

One of my minimalist cycling crazed friends decided to ride the event on a track bike some years ago. For those that don't know bikes, a track bike has no gears, no brakes, no freewheel (you can't coast, must pedal all the time).

During the ride, he lost a shoulder bolt out of his front sprocket. Track bikes use short bolts. His party stopped at a bike shop and he asked to purchase a chain ring bolt. The proprietor asked "long or short?" My friend replied "short".

The owner replied:

"We've heard about you........."

PS. The movement has grown. He organizes "Team Shiftless". :D