
Well Known Member
Greetings all!

This is filled.

Thanx all!


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The old RV-8 is still in the hanger, but will be out before the end of the month. You can see the hanger anytime, just send me a PM. The space behind the RV will be clear, and you will truly get 1/2 the hanger.


Two months ago I would have been all over this. I think you'll get some takers real soon if you haven't already.
Two months ago I would have been all over this. I think you'll get some takers real soon if you haven't already.

Yes, KWHP is real nice for Experimentals. Nice folks, EAA 40 has a hanger on the field, and lots of helpful folks all around.

So John: Where did you land?

RV-8 is gone....

Well, the RV-8 has now left (On a country-wide tour incl. OSH.) Then to Florida and finally England.

The desk and personal stuff will be moved out this week, so we are ready for a new partner to move in!

Tools, friends and lots of space for your project. Please PM me. $390/month incl. power

Here is a better picture:


Still looking...

I'm still looking for a new hanger partner. This is especially good if you are starting your build. Plenty of space and all the big tools are here, including a big compressor and a great dimpler!

Dave Boeshaar
KWHP - Experimental Capital of the World! Home of EAA40
