
Active Member
My local airport is not being very accomodating with regards to a hangar rental. They did offer me to build one and lease the land. This isn’t really appealing financially but I thought I’d see what options exist. The two issues are cost of a building and the fact that the only lease land is way too big for me. Another factor is they said it had to be poured slab inside, which ads considerable cost vs gravel. I don’t know if that is actually true or if he is blowing smoke. What minimalist options for a single vans exist?
What minimalist options for a single vans exist?
I suggest finding a high wing airplane guy with a hangar and striking a deal to share it. A couple of two seat RVs will also fit into most T hangers. That is what I did for the first couple of years.

But in the end I got the brass ring, a new home and new hangar at an airpark.

I suggest finding a high wing airplane guy with a hangar and striking a deal to share it. A couple of two seat RVs will also fit into most T hangers. That is what I did for the first couple of years.

But in the end I got the brass ring, a new home and new hangar at an airpark.

Great idea, except no sub leasing at this airport, so, that concept is forbidden.
Great idea, except no sub leasing at this airport, so, that concept is forbidden.
Petition whatever Board of Directors you have. This is not sub leasing, this is hangar sharing. Considering the crazy shortage of hangars, and no matter what the FBO gets more business, common sense should prevail.

Years ago we had an FBO Nazi try the same thing. In the end he found employment elsewhere.
Yeah it would be a city council thing and I agree, there’s no reason not to. The silly airport manager said that it’s because he would have no way to audit hangars because multiple tenants could claim each others items were not theirs or some such absurd excuse.
I’m facing a similar situation. As perhaps many are in this country….. The lack of hangars is appalling. I have emailed, called, text and been to board meetings. I’m not sure who is to blame for the lack of caring about the problem. Heck I even emailed and called AOPA and EAA. The response I received from them was to contact the local powers and start a dialogue. That horse has been beaten.
Some one/group has to start putting pressure on these localities. I’ve priced it out and the return is pretty nice for the localities too. One of my local airports just partnered with a firm and built brand new hangar/apartments on the field for the price starting around 600-700k. For reference I have been on the waiting list at 4 airports near me for 3 years now with little movement and I’m not in the middle of no where. So, I feel for ya.
I’m facing a similar situation. As perhaps many are in this country….. The lack of hangars is appalling. I have emailed, called, text and been to board meetings. I’m not sure who is to blame for the lack of caring about the problem. Heck I even emailed and called AOPA and EAA. The response I received from them was to contact the local powers and start a dialogue. That horse has been beaten.
Some one/group has to start putting pressure on these localities. I’ve priced it out and the return is pretty nice for the localities too. One of my local airports just partnered with a firm and built brand new hangar/apartments on the field for the price starting around 600-700k. For reference I have been on the waiting list at 4 airports near me for 3 years now with little movement and I’m not in the middle of no where. So, I feel for ya.
The hangar shortage is well known by AOPA and there is an effort underway to address it, primarily through lobbying FAA to pony up more airport funding for hangars, which are historically a very low priority for FAA grants though not unheard of. I'm hopeful, but I expect anything from that is still a ways off yet. And your airport sponsor would have to want to apply for the grant and build the things too (something our city isn't all that keen on).

My hangar is in a 5 bay building on leased airport land that came about when a guy who wanted one for himself decided to build a multi-bay building and got deposits on the other bays before starting the project. Perhaps you can partner up with someone who wants to do that (ideally one of you would have experience in contracting / construction). Also need to set up a condo association for multiple owners with bylaws etc. and have a good lease agreement - plenty of legal stuff and much more to figure out but there's help in the form of a very detailed guide on AOPA's website.
The hangar shortage is well known by AOPA and there is an effort underway to address it, primarily through lobbying FAA to pony up more airport funding for hangars, which are historically a very low priority for FAA grants though not unheard of. I'm hopeful, but I expect anything from that is still a ways off yet. And your airport sponsor would have to want to apply for the grant and build the things too (something our city isn't all that keen on).

My hangar is in a 5 bay building on leased airport land that came about when a guy who wanted one for himself decided to build a multi-bay building and got deposits on the other bays before starting the project. Perhaps you can partner up with someone who wants to do that (ideally one of you would have experience in contracting / construction). Also need to set up a condo association for multiple owners with bylaws etc. and have a good lease agreement - plenty of legal stuff and much more to figure out but there's help in the form of a very detailed guide on AOPA's website.
Excellent thanks I’ll check it out.
As many of us have learned, putting your building on someone else's land can turn out to be a deal with the devil. Choose wisely.
Is it ever typical that a municipality would rent spaces in a communal big hangar? If I could convince the city to let me share the build cost of a hangar with several people, and then rent us the shared land space that might pencil out.
After years of discussions with the local municipality, was able to build a hangar, but it was a difficult and protracted ordeal. The hangar is essentially three walls, a roof, and a tarp door. The foundation is supported by screw piles (helical piles). As economical as I could make it. Had to meet local building codes, taxed commercially even for private use, can only be used for one aircraft, there was back and forth about colors, etc...

Sometimes I think it'd be easier to buy a farm and build a strip on it, use the barn for hangar. And as mentioned above... you'd be on your own land.