not implying a cause but just to note because Winter is approaching. I have the round upright kerosene heaters in my hangar and they seemed reliable. one Winter day I was busy working and it seemed to be getting darker, it was late and I thought it was my eyes, but then it became even darker. I looked around and saw smoke belching from one of the heaters and a large fire inside. they are not safe heat. If you use them, always keep your eye on them.
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I have the round kerosene heaters in my hangar...
I don't trust those either. I was using one in my house under construction, and it started flaming and smoking exactly as you described. I happened to have a Halon fire extinguisher right there and sprayed the flaming heater. The Halon extinguished the fire for about two seconds, and then it started up again. I gave it another shot with the same disappointing results. Next, I tossed the kerosene heater out the door and let it burn.
This is according to my friend, who is 4 down from the hanger where the fire started:
The fire started around 1:30 p.m. in a hanger that had not been entered in about two weeks. It totally destroyed that airplane (a 182) and damaged 4 others, including an RV-12 and, he believes, an RV-7 or 9. All of the plastic was burned off the RVs with the canopies melting into the interiors. It caused considerable damage to one wing of a Piper Warrior and another unknown plane. His hanger had heat damage obvious at the ceiling, but, other than a layer of soot on the horizontal surfaces of his 172, no damage. Same for the airplane behind his. No cause yet determined, but the fire started inside the hanger. No evidence of a trickle charger or anything else plugged into the outlet in the hanger. There were several propane tanks in the hanger, which they speculate may have contributed to the size of the fire. All in all, he was very lucky. Others, not so much.