
Well Known Member
I will be needing a hangar to finish the build in about a year. Spidaro airport where I have hangar space was just sold to a housing development.

Any ideas?
Hanger Space

Another one bites the dust. I grew up on LI and it was once a mecca for aviation. Sad what is happening.

Are you interested in staying in that area? If so the most obvious choice is Brookhaven, which is not far from Spadaro. Call Scott Gerber at Northeast Aviation: 631-399-3348. If there's nothing available he may have a lead on an opening somewhere else. Moving west would be Islip or Farmingdale but I would imagine they have long waiting lists.

Beyond that you will need to head North of NYC or into Eastern NJ. Closer to Brooklyn but the wait lists will be longer and costs higher.
Someone finally bought it? Thats a real shame. I thought they won the court case and were trying to keep it open as an airport? I know Lufker was closed permanently and trying to sell.