
Active Member
Two nice T hangars just became available at 8M1...I got one and the one next door is still available if anyone is interested.
Relocation Complete

Completed relocating my RV6A from KDVT to 8M1 Thursday the 9th. 1200 NM in 7.2 hours flight time with two fuel stops/nature breaks. Had favorable tail winds most of the trip...saw some 200 kt ground speeds over OK but was down to the 160s at lower air speeds to minimize bumps under clouds over AR. Good to have that long cross country out of the way. Had a nice welcome at 8M1 by several local flyers...thanks guys. Hope to get to know you all soon. I'll miss the many good friends at DVT but its good to have 176A in her new "home" ready for new adventures and making more friends.