
Active Member
I know this has been kicked around in the past and I coud not find the page that used to tell several hanger costs in the states. I currently live in AZ and my Mom is in Ft. Worth. My wife and I visited the area last summer and loved it. I know the housing is reasonable, What is the hangar availability like in the area? Average cost? Thanks in advance.
Dan Billingsley
Around $180 to $250 per month for a T hangar is about the going rate. There has been a spate of hangar building at the South side airfields (Spinks & Grand Prairie) so you should not have to wait long, if at all.

Current wait for a hangar at Grand Prairie averages two to three years. It was longer before they built the new hangars.

I have been on the waiting list at Arlington for two years, and they tell me I am between 5 and 10 years out from getting a hangar there.

Don't know about Spinks currently, but last time I checked there was a waiting list there too.

They are about to open ~50 new hangars at Grand Prairie within the next few weeks, I expect the waiting list will shrink noticeably then. There are always a couple of patio hangar spots available, most people move out of them quite quickly. There are hangars available at Spinks today. The wait at Arlington was around 4 years until their fire a year or so ago - once they fix the damage the wait might come down again. There are often openings at Hicks - ask around at the airport.
