Any recommendations for a hands on electrical class. As part of my education and desire to set every rivet and connect every wire I?m trying to learn as much as possible. I?ve read the books, Aeroelectric Connection by Nuckols and The Aircraft Wiring Guide by Ausman as well as many of the posts here.

I had a recommendation for AEA?s experimental aircraft wiring course in Lee?s Summit, MO but right now their instructor has a flying job and the next class is TBD sometime in the future. Their courses seemed to be what I was looking for.

My plan is for an IFR capable -10 using the G3X and all Garmin components and want to do it right the first time.
Well for starters,
The EAA weekend class gave me a great foundation. I attended when they offered it in Chesepeake, VA, in the early stages of my build.
Hi Blucllrplt,

You might be very interested in a couple options Garmin has been working very hard to develop for our G3X Touch customers. One is our Instructor-Led G3X Touch Installation and Pilot Class. You can find the details on page 11 of our Aviation Training Catalogue.

The Aircraft Electronics Association has also provided an excellent Experimental Avionics Installation class, as well as a Basic Aircraft Electrical course in the Kansas City area as well. However the dates are currently TBD.

I hope that these could be a couple great resources for you!

Best Regards,

Well for starters,
The EAA weekend class gave me a great foundation. I attended when they offered it in Chesepeake, VA, in the early stages of my build.

Will have to look into this. Am not a member of the local EAA chapter but planning on joining soon.
Hi Blucllrplt,

You might be very interested in a couple options Garmin has been working very hard to develop for our G3X Touch customers. One is our Instructor-Led G3X Touch Installation and Pilot Class. You can find the details on page 11 of our Aviation Training Catalogue.

The Aircraft Electronics Association has also provided an excellent Experimental Avionics Installation class, as well as a Basic Aircraft Electrical course in the Kansas City area as well. However the dates are currently TBD.

I hope that these could be a couple great resources for you!

Best Regards,


The Garmin course looks interesting. The AEA course would be ideal for my level of understanding except that the dates are unknown at this time.
May be more involved than you want

Tarrant county community college offers a full AMT program at the Northwest campus which I believe is close to Ft. Worth Alliance. The below class is offered as part of that program. Obviously not a weekend program, and I?m not sure about admissions or being able to sit in on a class without committing to the full program, but might be an option.

Program details

AERM 1314 - Basic Electricity
Semester Hours: 3 Lecture Hours: 2 Laboratory Hours: 4
A study of aircraft electrical systems and their requirements including the use of the ammeter, voltmeter, and ohmmeter; series and parallel circuits; inductance and capacitance; magnetism; converting alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC); controlling devices; maintenance and servicing of aircraft batteries; and reading and interpreting aircraft electrical diagrams to include solid state devices and logic functions. Fundamentals of safety also addressed.
Tarrant county community college offers a full AMT program at the Northwest campus which I believe is close to Ft. Worth Alliance. The below class is offered as part of that program. Obviously not a weekend program, and I?m not sure about admissions or being able to sit in on a class without committing to the full program, but might be an option.

Program details

AERM 1314 - Basic Electricity
Semester Hours: 3 Lecture Hours: 2 Laboratory Hours: 4
A study of aircraft electrical systems and their requirements including the use of the ammeter, voltmeter, and ohmmeter; series and parallel circuits; inductance and capacitance; magnetism; converting alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC); controlling devices; maintenance and servicing of aircraft batteries; and reading and interpreting aircraft electrical diagrams to include solid state devices and logic functions. Fundamentals of safety also addressed.

Thanks for the information, I?ve had good luck at another CC paying for only the course i wanted. Took an Autodesk Inventor course that was very worthwhile
Well for starters,
The EAA weekend class gave me a great foundation. I attended when they offered it in Chesepeake, VA, in the early stages of my build.

I would agree with Sid.
I have attended 5 classes of the EAA and would recommend all of them.
Much better and a great foundation.
More like minded people there and will send you in the right direction.

Bob?s book is where I went after the class.
So you are already ahead.
I think I went Z-12 direction bu don?t know for sure without looking at it.
