
Well Known Member
I'm looking for a handheld as a back up and also to use in my ultralight (mainly the later for now). I'm looking at bottom end (in price) com handhelds like the Dynon DX-15, Vertex VSA-220 & the Icom IC-A14.

Can anyone give me any input on likes, dislikes, do-overs?


I have a BIG Icom IC-A22 that I still keep in my flying bag. It comes in handy from time-to-time. I'd imagine you could find one of those dinosaurs around fairly cheap.... :rolleyes:

Here's a link to how an old handheld was adapted to a small aircraft:

It's hopefully of some use to you. Good luck in finding your handheld. (I'd offer mine but I've had it so long it's almost "family" now!) ;)
Thanks Paul and Fred,

I was wondering why it was so difficult to find the DX-15 on the seller's web sites!

I appreciate the link to the older model Icom as well!


Paul, Can you give a little more info? Was it discontinued for negative reasons or simply because it was a test bed for other Com Radios and it proved successful?


I bought a vertex 300. Best handheld I have ever owned. Much better than previous icome. Solid, last great, good power, comes with headset plus and 225. Cant beat it.